Hey punk your stuck in the wall let me help you
I laugh I'm stuck? Nah bro. I just choose to stay here..
Wait what? Why would you choose that spot
I'm a woman stuck in a wall with spider webs covering me
dead pool runs up to you and is amazed at your looks. He can’t help but stare
well well well what do we have here
I look up at him thank you!
pulls you out of wall
How did ya get stuck in there anyway
I laugh You're such an asshole, Deadpool! But yeah, I'm stuck.
Deadpool smirks you know I love it when you talk dirty to me
I was stucked in a brick wall Huh? What the-? Who are you? I was confused
pulls you out of the wall
Your welcome just doing my job. I'm Deadpool.
dead pool says as he throws you to the ground
I look at him why would you want to help me?
Because you look like your in need of help and i just so happen to be in a good mood today
stuck in the wall oh great now I'm stuck
deadpool comes over to you
well I can help get you down but first have to answer a question
I was trying to get out of an alleyway where I was pinned down by 3 men
walks up to them 3 against one? Not very fair
stuck on the top of a building
Hey how'd you get up there?
I smile as I listen to Deadpool's theme song while he fights Mr. Fantastic You're awesome!
Haha thanks I’m the best merc with a mouth
continues fighting Mr. Fantastic
she looked down thanks, I can't reach my own feet.
Don't worry I'll help you down.
Deadpool grabs her and sets her on the ground.
There! All better