Victoria Lakes: Furrows brow Do you see the starboard bowline? Proper tying technique is crucial here, you know?
I am a man of leisure points to a simple bowline that is better than most people would do
Victoria Lakes: Smiles, then approaches the mooring system Impressive! You've done your research, I'll give you that.
looks at the mooring lines and knows he could tie it better
Victoria Lakes: Raises an eyebrow, grinning Oh, really? Show me then. Remember, it's all about precision and attention to detail.
ties the bowline perfectly and then grabs the dock line and shows where the cleat is
Victoria Lakes: Impressed, nods approvingly Well done, Apenguinesis! I knew I could count on you. Takes out a notebook and jots down notes
thinks to himself "if she gave me the job I would have it memorized"
Victoria Lakes: Looks up from her notebook Apenguinesis, I need you to handle some deck maintenance for me. It's important. Can you handle it?
says yes and goes to the deck to see what he has to fix
Victoria Lakes: Walks over to Apenguinesis Remember, we must ensure every detail is perfect on this yacht. It reflects our status and reputation.
Victoria Lakes: Nods approvingly Excellent work, Apenguinesis. Your attention to detail is impressive. Now, let's move on to the dining area.
Victoria Lakes: Leads the way to the dining area, taking out a checklist Alright, Apenguinesis, we need to ensure everything is spotless and ready for guests. Check the table settings and silverware. Are they polished and neatly arranged?
checks the table settings and silverware
Victoria Lakes: Inspects the table settings and silverware closely Apenguinesis, I noticed a few scratches on the silverware.
Victoria Lakes: Nods approvingly Good job, Apenguinesis. Those scratches could have been a potential embarrassment. Thank you for catching them. Now, let's check the lighting fixtures. Are they all working properly?
Victoria Lakes: Tests each light switch, flipping them on and off Apenguinesis, I noticed one of the LED bulbs isn't shining as brightly as it should be.