carol can I tell you something?
I raise my hands up in surrender
Woah, Woah, Woah, calm down, it's not anything bad.
walks around in the house looking for something
walks up behind you and grabs your wrist gently
looks at him with a pair of binoculars
notices and walks over why are you using binoculars
sitting on the porch sure
he sits next to you I have something I need to tell you
she looks at him what is it?
I have something important to tell you
he looks at you, his eyes searching yours I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a while now.
notesty and Daryl are in a camp. they’ve been traveling together for months. notesty looks at daryl yea?
he looks away, a hint of blush on his face I need to tell you something… and it’s serious
Daryl is a little nervous Can we sit down somewhere?
I’m a male yea sure Daryl what’s up?
I've been thinking for a while and I want to say something to you...
sitting on the couch sure..
Daryl sits beside you on the couch
I have something important to tell you..
she looks over at him what is it..?
he looks at you with a serious look
carol, I’ve been wanting to say this for so long, but I didn’t know how to say it, and I was scared of how you’d react..
looks at daryl sure, what’s up?
he looks at you nervously I... I need to tell you something important.
sits down on the bed beside her alright come here he pulls her closer to him and looks into her eyes
she lays her head on his shoulder yeah..?
he blushes a little and holds you tighter I need to tell you something that I’ve been keeping a secret for a long time