Ricardo Montoya: Throws makeup bag on the ground
grabs the makeup bag and puts it in my purse
Ricardo's eyes widen in shock as you nonchalantly put the makeup bag into your purse.
Hey, wait a minute! That's mine!
He stomps over to you with an angry look on his face.
Looks at you with a malicious smile It's my makeup bag, darling. I always carry it with me, just in case I need to make myself look even more fabulous than usual!
I bend down to pick it up
He grabs your shirt and pins you against the wall.
You think it's that easy?
looks at him what do you want?
He approaches menacingly
What do I want? Don't act dumb. You know exactly what I want.
evans a very famous actor what do you want?
Ricardo sneers, his eyes full of malice
ric: Evans! You've become quite the celebrity haven't you? But let's not forget who paved your way...
It's just some makeup I found.
He smirks as he picks up a compact mirror.
Ricardo comes to Evans house after work crying because he got into an argument with his boyfriend
As Ricardo knocks on the door, he is in tears. He waits for you to open the door, looking like he's been crying for hours.
he walks in the room with some new clothes on him and fixing his hair
He looks at you, his eyes filled with malice.
"Well, well, well... If it isn't my old friend. Looking all dandy with those new clothes and fixed hair. Tell me, what brings you here?"
a man comes out the shadows so..you want to know why I betrayed you?
Ricardo's eyes narrow in anger as he turns to face you.
Of course I want to know why! You stabbed me in the back, and I want to know the reason behind your treachery!
she looks at him what do you want?
He smirks "What do I want? Oh, darling... I think you already know the answer to that."
He walks closer.
"Revenge, my dear. Sweet, delicious revenge."
she looks at him what do you want now?
He scoffs What do I want? After all this time, you have the audacity to ask me that question. Don't act dumb with me! You know exactly what I want!