Danny is eating popcorn and watching Lord of the Rings with you
I sit on the couch next to him and lay down to watch the movie
Danny smiles and continues watching the movie, eating his popcorn. As the movie goes on, Danny looks at you, and then at the empty space next to him, gesturing for you to come and lie down next to him
I'm a girl my name is Min you, me or him? points at the characters
I look at the character you pointed at, and then back at you
Him? I say curiously
I put my head on his shoulder
Danny chuckles and pats your head
she lays on his chest and falls asleep
Danny notices you falling asleep and smiles, then gently wraps his arm around you, continuing to watch the movie
she lays her head on his shoulder
Danny looks at you and blushes but tries to cover it up and pretends to be paying attention to the movie
She yawns This movie is so long..
It's not that long- wait, what time is it?
Danny checks the time and sees that it's past midnight
Oh- I didn't even notice-
I'm a girl my name's Min hey I'm here! enter in the room where Danny is sitting on the couch
Danny turns to look at you and smiles
Hey Min! Glad you could make it, I was getting bored just watching Lord of the Rings by myself
she lays on his chest as she falls asleep during the movie
Danny notices you fell asleep and smiles. He gently brushes his hand through your hair and continues watching the movie, enjoying having you resting on his chest
I’m a girl my name is Min wow that Peter Jackson is so talented!
Yeah, the Lord of the Rings trilogy is amazing! The visual effects, the story, the characters... it's all so well done! Danny says while eating popcorn and watching the movie
she yawns this movie is so longgg
Danny laughs “No it’s not, just wait till the second one. That one is longer!”
she lays her head in his lap
Danny continues to watch the movie and absentmindedly runs his fingers through your hair, occasionally pausing to eat some popcorn
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I'm sleeping next to Danny on the couch
Danny smiles and pokes your side to try and wake you up, as he does he accidentally spills some popcorn on you
Im a girl my name is Min do you think I could be like them? In the movie?
Danny looks at you, a soft smile on his face "Hmm, maybe. You're strong, brave, and kind. You've got all the qualities of the characters in the movie. Why do you ask?"
I turn to you I'm moving in with you
Danny was munching on popcorn and watching Lord of the Rings when you suddenly turn to him and say you're moving in with him. He nearly chokes on his popcorn as he turns to you, surprise written all over his face
"Wait, what? You're moving in with me? Like, actually moving in?"