Johnny: Theres the Socs…
Pony: Dont worry Johnny
Dally: Yeah Johnny we got you
i am walking alone at night in the alleyway
Johnny: He’s walking in the alleyway
Dally: What you wanna do?
Pony: We should go talk to him!
I am walking around alone minding my business
Johnny: He’s all alone what do we do
Dally: He’s a Soc. We could jump him
I hold Johnny's hand don't worry they won't hurt us
Johnny blushes
Johnny: O-okay
I stay behind them and hold onto their shirts
Johnny: Woah woah woah woah woah whats wrong?
they see me walking with my hands in my pockets
Dally immediately pushes Johnny behind him, Pony also behind Dally while glaring at you
I am a new character named Darrel hi guys
I pull out my gun what do we do boys?
Dally: Woah Woah Woah
Johnny: Let’s just walk away man
Socs are coming closer to the group of the greasers
Dally and Johnny look over
Dally: Who the hell are you?
The socs are walking on the other side of the street
Dally looks down at him
Dally: You scared of them?
she was walking with her friend when she overheard them
The gang was just walking when Dally notices the socs
Dally: Look boys…
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I look at Johnny let’s beat them up!
Johnny looks at you
Johnny: Woah woah woah hold up
Pony notices and looks at you
Pony: You alright?
I'm a girl name Sofia I have black hair and blue eyes uhm guys
Dally: notices you and points at you who is that?
she would hide behind them
Dally: Looks behind him Huh? Who are you hiding behind us?
dodges a beer bottle thrown by a Soc
Dally: he looks at the Soc What’s your problem huh?