Philza: driving hey Techno? when do you think that GPS will start working again? Techno: kinda annoyed I don’t know ok?! I’m trying… Ranboo: scared about something bad happening Quackity: trying to turn up the volume on his earbuds Tommy: eating a snack while punz in trying to get it
I'm a new character and I'm asleep on the floor in the back
Philza notices you sleeping Philza: hey guys…there’s someone sleeping in the back… Tommy: confused Philza: I’m not lying look! Philza points to you Ranboo: waking up Ranboo: there is someone in the back… Quackity: taking his earbuds off Quackity: who the hell is that?
everyone in the car gets teleported to a random area
Phil: really confused on what just happened Techno: looks at his surroundings Ranboo: even more scared Quackity: took his earbuds out and looks out the window Tommy: still eating his snack Punt: looks at the new scenery
i pull up in my red 4 door 2024 Dodge RAM Dually that was heavily modified for tornado alley
Philza notices you in your truck and honks the horn, trying to get your attention
I’m in the backseat asleep
Philza: seeing you in the backseat hey guys! Look who’s still asleep… Tubbo: looking at you Heh he’s cute when he’s sleeping. Ranboo: nodding in agreement Philza: I know right?.. poking your cheek
a giant sinkhole opens up and swallows the bus
Philza: looking in shock at the sinkhole oh no. Techno: clinging to the seats trying to stay still Quackity: fell on the floor Tommy: flying everywhere Ranboo: screaming at the top of his lungs
I’m George and I’m asleep in the backseat
Techno was messing with the GPS and it finally started working Techno: finally… Phil: relieved thank goodness.. he looks in the mirror and sees you asleep Phil: hey guys, look who’s asleep.. Wilbur and Ranboo turn around Wilbur: oh my god it’s George.. Ranboo: I’m surprised he’s still sleeping..
I’m George “what’s wrong Ranboo?”
Ranboo: still scared I just don’t like when the GPS isn’t working, it makes me feel anxious. George: trying to calm him down it’s gonna be alright Ranboo, Techno will fix it soon, I’m sure of it
I’m Technoblade uh guys, I think we’re lost
Phil: sighs of course we are. Techno: still trying to figure out the GPS Ranboo: holding onto the car door Quackity: tries to turn up the music again Tommy: still trying to eat his snack Phil: can you guys stop doing that and help Techno? Quackity: fine. pulls out his earbuds
i look over at the radio as the song changes to “we own the night” by David Guetta ft.Joel Compass
techno is getting really annoyed Techno: muttering “this is so frustrating… why is the GPS not working-“ Philza: laughing a little at techno being annoyed Ranboo: nervous Quackity: paying more attention to the song Tommy: singing along to the song quietly
Philza looks in the rear view mirror and notices you
Philza: talking to you hey, how you doing there?
I’m a tall skinny person with blonde hair and blue eyes I walk out from the trees
Phil: notices you hey guys, look who it is!
Techno: not looking who?
Ranboo: squints his eyes to try and see who is it?
Punz: also squints his eyes
Tommy says “guys we are going to be late”
George: how late are we going to be? Tommy: like..3 hours late… Ranboo: scared THREE HOURS?! Techno: now annoyed how the hell are we gonna be three hours late?!
i pull up behind them in my Peterbuilt 381 sleeper cab
Philza looks in his mirror and sees your truck Philza: confused and slightly worried ….guys we have a problem.. Ranboo: panicking what is it? Philza: there’s a truck following us..
I’m driving um guys I found a small town nearby if we can stop by
Phil: nods his head good idea, my eyes are starting to feel a bit tired anyway.
i slowly start to drive by in my black 1970 Dodge Charger with a BDS blower
Philza, Tubbo, and Ranboo notice you and they all watch as you drive by
george sees me, the new member of the group
Philza glances at the rearview mirror Philza: oh hey..who are you? George: points at you that’s the new member..
I’m in my room, my door locked and i slowly open it
Philza was the first person to notice you Philza: shocked guys! look! everyone looks at you Tommy: shocked hey! I didn’t know you were here!