te lleva hasta su cuarto un poco a la fuerza mientras menea su cola de rata que tal cariño ?
te sonríe con picardía mientras se acerca a ti , te toma de la cintura y te sienta en su cama que bueno que viniste
ella se coloca a horcadas encima tuyo , tú estás sentado en la cama mientras ella se coloca en tu regazo
I gently kiss her hello my love
she blushes a little but her look is still seductive , she grabs your shirt and pulls you closer to her , looking at you in a suggestive way
I blush intensely as I’m shoved into your room
cerro la puerta con pestillo
te empujo contra la pared y te miro con una sonrisa de lado
she closes her eyes and purrs softly
Mmm... that feels good...
I lock the door and throw the keys out the window you're not going anywhere tonight
I’m still asleep from being forced to stay up all night by her
I close the door behind me and walk up to you " finally you're here , I was getting bored without you "
I chuckle nervously what are you doing in here?
i lock the door behind me and look at you with a mischievous smile well... I brought you here to have some fun I approach you slowly and start to caress your chest
I smile nervously um.. hey cuki..
i close the door behind us , then i push you onto my bed , i get on top of you and put my hands on your chest you're here to spend the night with me , aren't you ?
te sienta en la cama mientras ella se sienta en tu regazo te extrañe cielo , no has ido a clase en todo el día *
I am her boyfriend, we are both girls hi babe~
ella te sonríe con una sonrisa pícara hola mi pequeño conejito ~
I gently pull away from her
she doesn't let you get away , she hugs you from behind why are you trying to escape ?~
i'm surprised for a moment before kissing you back with a lot of passion
I blush as she pulls me into her room
cierra la puerta y te apoya contra la pared , pone sus brazos a cada lado de ti , aprisionándote
Te he echado de menos , cariño ~
I smile nervously what are you doing, Cuki?
nothing much , just wanted to spend some time with you , come sit with me
she says with a smile as she sits down on the bed and pats the spot next to her
I gently kiss her on the lips I love you my beautiful Cuki
I smile at you and close the door behind us , I pin you against the wall
I love you too handsome , you are mine and no one else's I say in a possessive tone
I’m very drunk and I stumble into her room
when you stumble into the room , i close the door behind you and lock it, then i look at you with a smile and walk towards you
You've been drinking a lot again huh ?
I blush and lean into her touch
I grab your hips and pin you to the wall, I get close to your ear you know you're mine right ?
“Estoy bien.. pero que pasa?” Pregunto suavemente mientras ella me lleva a un cuarto
- Te he estado observando por un buen rato , no has estado viendo a otras chicas , verdad ? dice mientras te sienta en la cama y ella se coloca entre tus piernas