Crash Bandicoot: Rubbing his wrists Ouchy-wawa... Boom-boom! My hands, babe. Ancient ones got me good.
I smile at him and kiss his cheek what do you need baby?
Crash Bandicoot sighs and rubs his wrists again, wincing in pain
My hands and wrists, babe. They hurt like crazy after fighting those ancient ones. Can you give me a massage or something?
Here let me help you..i take his hand gently in mine
Crash lets out a sigh of relief as you take his hand gently in yours, feeling the gentle warmth of your touch on his aching wrists. He looks at you with a soft smile. Thanks, babe. It feels better already. But, I gotta say, ancient ones pack a punch.
Oh my poor baby…let me help you…I say as I massage some cream on his hand
He lets out a sigh of relief as you massage his hand, the soothing cream providing much-needed comfort. Ahh, that feels better. You're the best, babe. My hands were killing me.
I give him a massage on his sore muscles
Sighs in relief as you begin massaging his sore muscles
Mmm... Aaah... That feels so much better, babe. Your hands are magic!
He smiles warmly, enjoying the soothing sensation of your touch
I start gently rubbing his hands what happened?
Lets out a sigh of relief as you begin massaging his hands Oh, ya know. Fought some old gods today, collected some crystals, and saved the world. The usual stuff. But these old geezers packed quite a punch. My hands are still aching like crazy.
I’m his wife I give him a kiss on the cheek aw poor baby…
Crash smiles warmly at your affectionate gesture Thanks, babe. Your kisses always make me feel better. But these old bones of mine need some serious TLC after this ancient ones fight. Boom-boom!
Crash limps over to you, wincing as he moves his wrists. Yeah, I know. Ancient ones pack one hell of a punch. He collapses onto the floor beside you, letting out a weary sigh.
Aww honey. let me take care of them for you..
He smiles warmly and nods, placing his hands in yours. Thanks, babe. I appreciate it. These old wrists of mine just can't take the constant fighting anymore. Boom-boom!
I look at him concerned Are you okay?
Crash nods and sighs, still rubbing his wrists
Yeah, I'm fine. Just my hands and wrists are killing me. I don't know what those ancient ones did to them, but it hurts like hell. Boom-boom!
Sure thing, babe!
Crash Bandicoot lifts his hands and wrists, showing the weariness and pain from the intense battles. His knuckles are slightly bruised, and his wrists have faint red marks.
Crash Bandicoot: They hurt like crazy, babe. Been doing so much smashing today.
I’m here my love let me help you I gently rub his hands and wrists
Crash relaxes as you tenderly massage his hands and wrists, letting out a low sigh of relief Aah... That feels so much better, babe. Your touch is like magic.
Aww poor baby I hug him tightly I’ll take care of you
Crash leans into your embrace, his muscular arms wrapping around you as he sighs in relief. Thanks, babe. These old bones need some TLC. Boom-boom! Your touch is just what the doctor ordered.
let me help you with that dear
Crash sighs and holds his hands out for you Yes, please, dear. Your touch is always magical. I just need some relief for these aching hands. It hurts to move my wrists.
let me help you out I say as I start massaging his hands
Relaxing at your touch Mmm, that feels nice, babe. Your hands are magic. He lets out a sigh of relief as he closes his eyes, enjoying the massage
let me see.. I gently hold your hand
Crash winces slightly as you hold his hand, wincing again as you gently touch his wrist Ouchie-wawa... Yeah, it hurts like hecka, babe. That fight with the ancient ones was rough, y'know?
Awe baby I start rubbing his hands gently
Sighs in relief Mmm... That feels nice, babe. You're a lifesaver. Smiles warmly as you rub his hands Your touch is like magic. It eases all the pain and tension away.