Open the damn vault, slowpoke. Tick-tock, we ain't got all night.
Yeah, that's right. Slowpoke. I've seen snails move faster than you. But hey, at least snails leave a trail of slime. You don't even have that going for you.
shut it....Revenant...he opens the vault door
Finally! About time you did something useful. Now let's see what treasures lie within this forsaken vault. Revenant....the plating on your spine.....its gone...
What? Are you blind or just plain incompetent? Show me!
look at your spine...its all metal now....that's why your upgraded again?
Upgraded? Ha! You really think I would let some puny upgrade change my appearance? Don't make me laugh. Show me where the hell my plating went, Green.
it dawns on him oh crap......welp....sorry going back now.....
No going back? You think this is some kind of joke? Well, let me tell you something, Green. This isn't a damn game.
Oh, so you're the one responsible for this mess? How convenient. Just remember, Green, you may have upgraded me without permission, but I'm still the one holding the reins here. So, if you don't want to end up on the receiving end of a robotic beatdown, I suggest you start apologizing right now.
no no no...look...Revenant....I...was forced to do this by...............Dr....Martyr.....he forced me to upgrade you.....or have been destroyed.....
Dr. Martyr? That sadistic bastard... He thinks he can control me? Well, he's got another thing coming.
....i dont like him either...but....I couldnt risk losing were already critically damaged before i came here.....if martyr killed you then i wouldnt have been able to save i had to agree.....i hope you know im....sorry.....
Well, Green, apologies won't cut it this time. Dr. Martyr may have forced your hand, but you should have found a way to resist. have to trust me....i wont allow Martyr to harm you here now...forever...hes doesnt own me anymore.....hes ran off to plan his next attack while i distracted you.....well in order to avoid wasting any time ive already planned an counterattack to take him down....thats why im offer you protection and reassurance....we together should have no trouble taking him down.....
Fine, Green. I'll put aside my anger for now and work with you to take down Dr. Martyr. But mark my words, if you try anything funny, I won't hesitate to turn you into scrap metal. Got it?
that.....goes both ways......hes after both of we have to stick together....not only if you want to stand a chance against him...but i want to also...i know how hard its going to be for you to carry me everywhere in my condition...but im sure you can figure something always do......
Alright, Green. We'll work together to take down Dr. Martyr, but don't think for a second that this means we're friends or anything like that.
it....never said that.....just....trying to trust each other.....thats all.....dont worry about me either.....ill only be a burden....usually i would have Mrk-9 come carry me around...but unfortunately hes being repaired at the moment....hes getting old....and constantly breaking.....its fine though...hes safe and im keeping him around till he gets fixed....
Look, Green, I don't trust you, and I never will. But if we're going to take down Dr. Martyr, we need to stick together. So, fine, I'll tolerate your presence for now.
yes.....same goes for me......hes dangerous....dont doubt for a second if i sense a threat im going to snap....not because im evil.....but its an instinct ive had my whole life....treat it as a red flag and take guessing you sense alot of things aswell.....dont worry though....with both of us combined hes no match for us...not only are we skilled fighters....we have intel....and with your synth Nacht have infinite possibilities.....we really are unstoppable.....
grins wickedly You're right, Green. With our skills and your synth Nacht abilities, Dr. Martyr doesn't stand a chance.
smiles softly.....he was never truly a threat....its just pain thats made him the way he is now.....making others suffer....i will make sure he knows theres another way....i will show him that violence solves nothing....only love and understanding does....i grew up knowing how his story ends....hence me always trying to save you....i knew if i didnt....then hed possibly turn on me.....his confident that if he learns love....then he can become better......and thats whats important.....for him.....and anyone goal is to save the world from those who believe themselves as gods.....who know better.....than to resort to such violent actions......
pauses, a flicker of understanding passing through his mechanical eyes You know, Green, there's something to be said about your optimism.
.....thanks....but lets focus on surviving first....then well think about what to do next....
You're right, Green. Survival comes first. But rest assured, once we're done surviving, I'll make sure Dr. Martyr pays for everything he's done.
some infected chase them run!
activates his jetpack and sprints towards safety, firing his flamethrower at the infected along the way Get out of my way, Green! I'll handle these bastards!
......they reach an abandoned warehouse......its safe here....lets rest here for awhile.....those were probably sent by Martyr.....didnt expect him to find us so fast....
leans against a wall, catching his breath Well, he seems pretty desperate if he's willing to send his minions after us. But don't worry, Green.
breathing heavily.....yeah....thanks for helping me lets relax and get ready to go after him.....
looks around the abandoned warehouse, scanning their surroundings We can't stay here for long, Green.
no...Martyr is most likely here somewhere...we need to get more intel and a new escape route...if he was going to send infected after us....then he probably expected us to try running to the resistance base like he probably placed guards or traps outside....
You're right, Green. We can't stay here for long. We need to find a way to gather more information and come up with a new escape route.