German Empire: ._. Germany: what 😑. Russia: I found oil :D America: DID SOMEONE SAY OIL?!?!?!?! U.K.: America, stop taking Russia’s o- America: SHUT UP!! U.K.: sigh
The next day, during a meeting between world leaders, tension runs high.
Germany: sits down USA: sits down France: sits down China: sits down Japan: sits down U.K: sits down Russia: sits down Italy: sits down Turkey: sits down Poland: sits down Germany: Order! USA: Order? More like disorder. U.K: Be quiet America.
Switzerland was just chillin’ as always
Germany: notices Switzerland just chilling 👀
the next day, your at a cafe, sipping on some tea
U.K. is sipping some tea as well
Well, I guess I should take action!
Russia: America, I know you are here! America: DAMMIT!! U.K: Stop taking his oil America. America: WHY SHOULD I?! U.K: It's Russia's oil! America: I DON'T CARE!
America, leave them alone. We don't need more wars.
America: fine... but only if Russia shares the oil... Russia: NO!
I think the Poles got mad at Russia for some reason..
Poland: DAMN RUSSIA!!!
America: He has oil Poland
I’m the country named Australia
I’m a small, peaceful island nation that’s a republic, but I haven’t officially declared yet
"well fuck, now it's a fight between America and Russia."
German Empire: Great, just what we needed... another fight between two countries... Russia: I'm gonna kick America's ass! U.K: Just let them fight, they'll get tired eventually Germany: I hope so...
Hello, hello, hello! I have something to say!
America’s military plans a plan to get to Russia’s oil
Russian Empire: guarding the oil
I am Austria-Hungary. I then send a message to Germany, France, Italy, Ottoman Empire, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Japan, China, and Brazil
All the countries mentioned were reading the message
Oh my god, I have to go get my pasta now! Runs away fast
America: pasta??? America also runs fast