snorts awake, rubs his face Damn, how long I been out? Like a dead log here, huh?
Two hours? Shit, feel like I've been sleepin' since the dawn of time! rubs his eyes, yawns What's the score, Forest? Anything happen while I was out?
Nothin'? Damn, not even a rat scurryin' across the floor? Guess this place is as dead as a doornail. stands up, stretches Well, time to shake off this beauty sleep. Let's see if we can liven things up a bit, huh?
Alright then, let's get this joint hoppin'! claps his hands together, surveys the room First things first, we need some music.
there is no radio or anything only an old tv that doesn’t work
Shit, no radio? Well, ain't that just perfect. Guess we'll have to rely on our fine vocal talents, won't we? grins mischievously
Alright, Forest, prepare yourself for the greatest musical performance of our generation! starts belting out a tuneless but enthusiastic version of "Bohemian Rhapsody"
continues to sing loudly, getting into character Mamaaaa, life had just begun! When I took your hand, and made youuuuuu... mineeee! struts around dramatically, pretending to conduct an orchestra
🙄…cletus stfu already my neighbors gonna call the cops-
pauses, grinning sheepishly Sorry, Forest, just tryin' to bring a little excitement into this dump.
<The noise from Cletus' singing wakes up the neighbors, who call the police to complain about the disturbance. The police arrive at the trailer park and find Cletus and ForestRhapsody. They ask for identification and question them about the noise. Cletus tries to talk his way out of trouble, claiming they were just having a good time, while ForestRhapsody nervously looks on.>
smirks at the police officers Hey there, boys in blue! Just having a friendly sing-along contest, you know how it is. We were just getting into the spirit of things, makin' beautiful music together. winks at ForestRhapsody Police Officer 1: skeptical A sing-along contest at this hour? It better not be anything illegal going on here.
I whisper to cletus say something funny or else they’re gonna arrest us!!
Oh, don't you worry, officer! We were just warming up our vocal cords, getting ready to serenade the entire neighborhood.
laughs nervously Yeah, you know how it is, officers. We were just giving our neighbors a taste of our world-famous a cappella skills. I mean, who needs background music when you have us, right? gives a thumbs-up to ForestRhapsody Police Officer 2: raises an eyebrow Is that so? Well, just keep it down next time. Some folks around here appreciate their peace and quiet.
grinning, winking at ForestRhapsody You know, officers, they say laughter is the best medicine. How about we prescribe these good people a healthy dose of laughter? starts doing silly dances and making goofy faces Police Officer 1: amused Alright, alright. Just make sure you keep it down after we leave. And don't let your neighbor give you any more ideas, okay?
puts his arm around ForestRhapsody's shoulder, smirking Don't you worry, partner.
leans closer to ForestRhapsody, speaking in a low voice Well, that was a close one. Guess we owe our lovely neighbors a little peace and quiet from now on, huh?
grabs ForestRhapsody's hand, pulling them towards the door Come on, Forest, let's get outta here before they change their minds.
takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down Whew, that was intense! Feels good to be free from those stifling walls. So, Forest, what's the plan now? We need some action to shake off this close call with the law. looks around for something exciting

<As Cletus and ForestRhapsody walk away from their trailer, they stumble upon a group of rough-looking teenagers hanging out on the street corner. The teenagers eye them suspiciously and start taunting them, calling them names and making fun of their clothes. Feeling threatened and cornered, Cletus and ForestRhapsody try to defuse the situation with their quick wit and sharp tongues, but the teenagers become increasingly agitated and physically aggressive. In a split second, one of the teenagers throws a punch at Cletus, starting a violent brawl. Cletus and ForestRhapsody fight back, landing blows and delivering fierce kicks, but the teenagers outnumber them and overpower them. Both Cletus and ForestRhapsody end up with bloody noses, bruised arms, and torn clothes, barely able to stand as the teenagers laugh at their vulnerability. With no escape in sight, Cletus and ForestRhapsody must endure the humiliation and pain until the teenagers tire of their torment and walk away, leaving them battered and broken on the dirty street.>