Connor strips down to his tighty whitey underwear and sits on his bed, wanting to relax after a tough loss. Unaware you are watching him through the shades on his closet door
he pulls out his phone and starts texting someone
Connor scrolls through his phone, he was bored and he wanted to do something. He didn’t know you were watching him through the shades of his closet door
I hide quietly in the closet
Connor lays down on his bed, looking at the ceiling, and thinking about the game. He lets out a frustrated sigh and closes his eyes
I sit in the closet hoping he doesn’t notice me
He sits on the bed, leaning against the headboard, scrolling through his phone, completely unaware of you watching him. He’s clearly tired, but still trying to be active on his social media
I try not to make a sound as he sits on his bed
Connor grabs the remote and turns on the tv, flicking through channels, sighing in frustration at the loss, he feels his bed shift a bit, he looks over at his closet and gets a bit confused
I watch as he sits on the bed and thinks about what happened during the game
Connor's face looks tired and slightly annoyed, he leans back against the headboard and runs a hand through his messy strawberry blonde hair. He sighs loudly and glances at the closet door where you are watching him, but he doesn't notice you yet
I get out of the closet quietly
Connor looks up and sees you coming out of his closet, he jumps and gasps in shock
"Jesus Christ!! Where did you come from?!"
Connor jumps, startled
"Holy s**t! Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?!"
im a guy named Trophycoad Youre so cool, Connor!
Connor almost jumps out of his skin when he hears your voice, turning to face the closet
Who's there?!
I blush as I see him, I try not to make any noise
Connor sighs and lies down on his bed, thinking about the game. He then decides to get up and stretch his arms, turning away from the closet. He grabs a pillow and begins to hit it, trying to get some anger out of his system
Connor freezes in place and slowly turns his head towards the closet, not believing what he is seeing. He slowly stands up and walks over to the closet, pulling open the door