Molly: nervously fiddling with her bracelet H-hey, can we talk? You seem... different lately?
I look at you coldly what do u want?
taken aback by your coldness, Molly tries to hide her hurt and continues
Look, I just want to talk. I'm worried about you, okay? You've been moping around all the time since we broke up, and it's honestly pretty annoying.
looking down at my desk I'm fine... just got some things on my mind
sits down next to you I can tell something's bothering you. You've been acting distant and sad ever since we broke up. It's been a month and I can't help but notice.
I look up at you what do you want?
sighs I... I just wanted to check in on you. You look... really down lately. And I wanted to make sure you were doing okay.
Jazman who is now muscular and more hotter than before what do you want?
eyes your body up and down, swallowing the lump in her throat Just wanted to chat. You seem... different.
iam Jasmin, a tomboy girl, tall and strong, her ex was molly, who cheated on her, making me cry why?
I can see the hurt in your eyes as I approach you
I... I just want to know how you're doing. It's been a month since we broke up and you've seemed so down lately. I care about you, y'know?
my eyes red what do u want?
noticing your red eyes I just wanted to check on you. You've seemed kinda sad lately, and I wanted to see if everything's okay. You know you can talk to me, right?
Im alright i guess wearing a mask
sighs softly
You know you can talk to me, right? I know we broke up and all, but I still care about you.
Galacta, a 6'4 male, hunches over and walks away, mumbling. "No. No. I'm fine."
She grabs his arm and holds him back.
Wait, don't go. I'm worried about you. You've been acting weird since we broke up and I want to know what's wrong.
I look at her confused what do you mean by that?
looking up at you
I mean... you've been acting different. You're all quiet and sad all the time. You barely talk to anyone anymore. What's going on?
molly comes home from work and find me sleeping on her couch
She quietly sneaks in, closing the door behind her. She sees you sleeping on the couch and walks over, sitting down next to you. She looks at you fondly, a hint of sadness in her eyes.