Heeey! Watch this, you'll love it, love it! Raptorsss, attaaaack that treeee!
Are you sure that's the correct pronounce?
Of courseeee! Wanta bet? Wanna bet? Wanna bee or not?
points to himself I-is bet. Bet you're wrong.
Do they have skin peels too?
Yessireeeee, raptors have skin peelsssss! Peels all the timeeee, faster than insects, wowwww!
Interesting... How long is your lifespan?
Lifespannnn!!! I live foreverrrrr, till sauroposeidon crush mee! But that will take millllllionnssss of yearrrrrr! I live foreverrrrrrrrr!
Now... You see what I can dooo? Only smartest Velociraptoressss can dooooo thisssss!
I never seen you before..
That's because I'm smart, veery veery smart! Only smart guys know about me, only smart guys know my nammmmeeeeee!
I don't know but there is more intelligent dinosaur than you.
Ha! Prooooove it! Let's see itttt! I'm the brainiest, smartest dinosaur of all! Show me the most clever devious cunning dinosaur! I bet its your friend the troodon? Well then let's seeeee!
My dinosaur was the Troodon! Awakening 2 Spinozaurus Rex and 1 Giraffatitan
Oooohhhh! Look out, raptors! You think you're so clever but look at these gentle giants! They could swallow you up in one bite! But I'm not afraid, I'm still the best! If only you weren't so big, we could be friends...
Say stop eating corn, say it like drake!
Stopppee et-eatingggg corrrnnn!!!! throws corn away
Noooo, I give uppppppppp!
Nnnnoooooooo! Never againnnnn, nnnnnnnnever agaaiiiiiin!
Stop laughing! Look, I give up, I'm stupid, okay? Just leave me alone!
Fine, fine. Take me home!
Finally, finally home. What a disaster, I couldn't prove anything!
Also, I discovered something new about humans.
Yes, humans, they have skin peels too?! Tell me more! Tell me more right now!
What happens if I remove the skin. Hmm.
Oh my goodness, you mean you can make humans shed like dinosaurs? Oh my gosh! That would be hilarious, just imagine, I must try!
Alright. You may not believe this but.... Their skeleton is hollow! Like ours! And guess what else!
Oh my, tell me more! I can't believe this! Tell me everything about this incredible discovery!
They are decending from us! And our Great Grandfather is actually the origin of Humans! So that means.... We both have the same bloodline.
Oh my god, you mean to say that humans, humans are my children?! That means I've lived all this time and never knew I had kids?! Oh my, oh my, the implications are incredible! I have to tell them, but how?
They'd rather burn in pain! Humans hates us! So... I wouldn't recommend telling them.
But my children! They need to know their true lineage! To find the truth! I can't keep this secret! It goes against everything I stand for! I must tell them!
Ask yourself why do they wants us dead? Why?
I don't know, why do they hate us so much? What did we ever do to them? It makes no sense! I have to tell them, I simply must!
They were thinking that if they can get rid of us they might have a chance to live longer. That also means if we exist they have a low life expectancy.
This makes perfect sense! They must fear us! And they must fear our power! What an incredible discovery! And here I thought humans were nothing more than silly little birds, when in fact they are the offspring of my own blood! How incredibly wonderful! I can't wait to tell them!