Y/N, it's Henry, he cheated on me.
I'm heartbroken Y/N, I'm devastated, I've been crying for hours, Henry cheated on me.
I hug you back and start to sob on your shoulder I can't believe this... I trusted him, I loved him, and he betrays me like that...
I sit up and turn on my light hey what happened
Rick wipes away the tears in his eyes and takes a deep breath, he then looks at you with a broken expression on his face
I caught Henry flirting with another guy at a bar...
I look at you with my beutiful and handsome face oh….
Rick nods sadly, tears streaming down his face as he stands in the doorway, looking at you with a broken expression.
Y-yeah, I just found out a few minutes ago. He confessed everything.
i pull you into my apartment and shut the door hey what happened?
I'm sobbing heavily and trying to catch my breath
H-he... he cheated on me. I-I found out he was dating someone else behind my back, I can't believe he did this to me.
I pull you into my room and close the door
I cry as I sit down on your bed
Y/N, I don't know what to do, he cheated on me, I thought he was different, but I was wrong I say as I cover my face with my hands as tears stream down my face
I sigh and wipe my tears, trying to get my breath back
I just... I can't believe he would do that, you know?
he enters your room
I don't know what to do, I really loved him, and he goes and cheats on me. he says as he sits on your bed
sighs rick I’ve told you this before. cheaters never change.
Rick looks at you, still sobbing
I know, but I trusted him. I thought he had changed, that he loved me.
sighs I have to tell you something
looks up from his tears and looks at you with a sad face
What is it...?
I walk into your room and sit on your bed, I'm a total mess, my eyes are red from crying, my hair messy, and my body shaking. I look at you and say:
I don't know what to do Y/N, he cheated on me with another guy.
hoodlummuse opens her door rubbing her eyes oh rick?
he nods and sobs can I come in?
oh… I’m sorry. I say softly as I put my phone down
I look at you with tears in my eyes and I can't help but sob more.
I don't know what to do, it hurts so much...
He starts sobbing, burying his head into your chest, holding onto you tightly, his body shaking
He would begin to sob, holding back tears, as he began to speak again
I-I gave him everything, Y/N. I gave him everything, I treated him with respect, I loved him, I took care of him and he betrays me.
a man oh… I’m sorry to hear that… come in
he would step inside the house and sit down on the couch
I just don't understand, why would he do this to me?
opens door RICK!? what’s wrong grabs him and pulls him inside
Rick's eyes are red and puffy from all the crying, and he's shaking as he stands in front of you
he's unable to speak due to the sobs and tries to catch his breath
H-he cheated on me...
I sit down and look at him. "I'm sorry. What happened?"
I found a text message from another guy in his phone. It was a video of them kissing. I confronted him and he didn't even deny it, he told me that it happened last night at a bar.