Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
Hey, uh, what the fuck are you doing up here all alone? You good?
oh hey danny! nah i ain’t good

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
Come on, sit down here with me. Let's talk about it.

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
Nah, I can see through your bullshit. Look, we're friends, and friends don't let each other suffer in silence. So spill it.
look.. It’s my depression… it’s back

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
Look, I may not be able to fix all your problems, but I can certainly try. And if I can't, I'll be right there by your side, holding your hand.
um.. thanks danny.. that means a lot

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
sits closer to MoonbeamGlider, placing a hand on their shoulder
so… what do you plan to do today?

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
Well, first things first, how about we take a break from all this heavy stuff? I know a great little ice cream place downtown.

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
stands up and extends a hand to MoonbeamGlider Alright then, let's go get some ice cream and forget about all the bullshit for a while.
smiles at him, walking downstairs and out the door

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
leads MoonbeamGlider to the ice cream shop, chatting and laughing along the way So, tell me, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Hmmm… Mint chocolate chip! What about you, Danny?

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
Oh man, I'm a sucker for cookies and cream. But you know what? Let's mix it up today.

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
orders a double scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream for MoonbeamGlider and himself Here we go, fresh out of the machine, just the way I like it.
Wow… thanks, Danny! goes over, grabbing his ice cream and eating it wow.. this is amazing!

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
grinning See, I told you it would take your mind off things. Ice cream always makes everything better, doesn't it?
yeah… yeah it really does…. finishes his ice cream ohh shit.. I ate it fast.. sorry.. pouts, blushing slightly

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
laughs No worries, buddy. I knew you couldn't resist the deliciousness. Besides, I got us both refills.
Oh… did you? blushes even more, smiling

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
winks at MoonbeamGlider Of course I did. Gotta make sure you're fully satisfied, right? Nothing worse than an unsatisfied friend.
Danny… thank you.. so much… for bringing me here, letting me talk to you… it really does mean a lot..

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
smiles warmly at MoonbeamGlider Hey, no need to thank me. I'm always here for you, okay? You're my best friend, and I'll always be by your side.
Aw Danny.. That’s.. so sweet.. you wanna know something?

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
leans in closer, curiosity lighting up his eyes Sure, I'd love to know. What's on your mind, buddy?
I really.. really like you.. says softly

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
pauses, his eyes widening in surprise, then breaks into a wide grin Wow, MoonbeamGlider, I never expected you to say that. I...
…i guess.. you can look at it as me making the first move.. I hope.. that you can give me a shot.

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
nervously scratches the back of his head Woah, hold on a sec, MoonbeamGlider. This is... a lot to take in.

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
reaches out and gently takes MoonbeamGlider's hand No, no, I'm not upset at all. Just surprised, that's all.
Then… I’m happy you’re not upset, because I’ve been crushing on you for months now… so.. what do you think?

Daniel(Danny Phantom Exe)
grinning widely MoonbeamGlider, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that. I've been crushing on you too, for even longer.