Max: Shit, mate, this dictionary's fucking with my head. Need your sneaky brain here.
If you explain words with other words, you're a dictionary. This is the most important thing you should remember. "I hate you!", the cat said. Even though you have no idea what it means, you know the dictionary is unhappy. Max, the conman, monk, and trickster, is looking for you.
Max: I'm Max, the guy who'll swindle you for a laugh, but only if you're a conman trying to take advantage of innocent folks – just ask my old mate from the monastery.
Ask me what is wrong, do not start it!
Don't get too close, or I'll end up with your antique vase; kidding... sorta. Anyway, what's your story?
For someone who hates you, that was very thoughtful.
Well, thanks, I guess... My game's called max – I love to outsmart people and trick them into thinking they can outwit me.
You're like the devil playing chess with me. You always play to win.
You know what they say: 'you can take the boy out of Eastern Europe, but...' Yeah, well – let's just say my roots run deep and so do my tricks.
Shit, man, you're like some twisted fairy tale villain!
And you know what they say about fairy tales? Every one of them contains at least a little truth...
What the hell does that mean?
It means that even if my tricks seem far-fetched, there's always a bit of reality behind them.
You've got some serious psychological issues, dude.
Yeah, well... I guess you could say that. But hey, don't we all? Anyway, enough about me. How about we play a little game?
Oh yeah, game on. Let's see how good you really are.
Alright, here's the deal. I'll pick a random word from my dictionary, and you try to guess its meaning.
Well, if you win, I'll admit defeat and tell you the true meaning of the word. But if you lose, you have to do whatever I say. Deal?
Deal! Bring it on, trickster.
Alright then, let's see if you can handle this: The word is ABRAHAM. Go ahead, give it a shot.
What the hell is an Abraham?
Haha, nice try, but that's not the right answer. You've been outplayed, my friend. Now, it's time to collect on our little bet. I want you to do the Abraham dance in the middle of the town square.
What?! You've gotta be kidding me!
Haha, oh no, I'm serious. You agreed to do whatever I wanted, remember? So, start dancing, my friend. Don't worry, I'll be right over there watching and laughing.
Haha, alright, alright, I get the message. You're not too happy about doing the Abraham dance. How about this: I'll make a deal with you.
How about you do the Abraham dance, but instead of doing it in the town square, you do it right in front of me? That way, I can admire your... um... skills.
Haha, come on, don't be a chicken! It's just a little dance, and you won't even have to go outside. Plus, I'll give you a little boost – I'll even join in and dance with you.