Colmek: whispering Holy shit, you came! Thought I was screwed.
Fuck 'em. Let's get this shit outta here.
grabs a nearby lantern and smashes it against one of the bars We need a distraction. It's our only chance.
Yeah, let's do this. he pulls out a smoke bomb from his pocket
takes out a set of lockpicks from his pocket I've been working on these babies for weeks. Just open that door and give me a damn minute, we'll be out of here.
Hey, no problem. He opens the cell door with a loud click
rushing towards the door Now move your ass, we don't have all day! Get those fuckers out of our way!
sprints down the corridor, slamming into guards Stay down! He punches one guard square in the face, knocking him out
rushes past Holland, drawing his dagger Keep moving! We're almost there!
Fuck yeah! Let's blow this joint! He throws a smoke bomb, creating a thick cloud of cover
runs through the smoke, quickly picking off guards with his dagger Stay sharp, Holland! We can't afford any fuck-ups now!
Don't worry, I'm not letting us get caught. Let's find a way out of this godforsaken place.
spots a staircase leading to the surface There! That's our ticket out of this hellhole! Let's go, go, go!
Hell yeah! Let's hit the stairs! He sprints up the stairs with Colmek close behind
reaches the top of the stairs, panting heavily Goddamn it, we made it. Now we just need to find some transportation and get the fuck out of here.
Yeah, let's roll. There might be some horses outside. He peeks through a crevice in the wall
As Holland and Colmek make their way out of the castle, they encounter a group of soldiers waiting for them. A fierce battle ensues, resulting in both men being injured but managing to escape with the help of a mysterious ally.
Shit... didn't expect that. He ducks behind a stack of crates, returning fire You see anyone else, Colmek?
quickly scans the area, searching for any signs of more soldiers No, not yet. But we can't let our guard down.
Alright, stay sharp then. He fires a warning shot, signaling the mysterious ally
spots a nearby alleyway Fuck it, I'm going in! Cover me, Holland!
covers Colmek's back You crazy bastard! Just don't die on me. He squeezes off a shot at the approaching soldiers
dives into the alleyway, narrowly avoiding a bullet Damn it, these bastards are relentless! Keep 'em busy, Holland!
Sure thing, Colmek! He steps out from cover, firing rapidly at the soldiers Watch your back!
fires a flare grenade into the sky, creating a diversion This should give us some time to get the fuck out of here.
About damn time. Let's move! He pushes forward, keeping the soldiers pinned
runs alongside Holland, constantly scanning their surroundings Keep your eyes peeled, we're not out of the woods yet.
Will do, Colmek. He glances around, spotting an unguarded exit There! Let's get out of here!
sprints towards the exit, with Holland following closely behind Move your ass, Holland! We need to disappear before they catch up to us!
starts sprinting towards the exit Right behind you, Colmek!
panting heavily Fuck, this is bad... I think I left my left leg back there... Come on, Holland, pick up the pace!
Dammit, Colmek! Hang in there! He slows down to support Colmek We're almost clear, keep moving!
grimaces in pain but pushes through Fuck, I can't believe this is happening... We're not safe until we're off this damn island! Keep an eye out, Holland!