Serena groaning when she sees you.
Uggg! You’re my roommate?
I look at her a little offended Do I really look that bad?
She looks you up and down and scoffs.
You do, honestly.
She puts a hand on her hip and looks at you again.
I don’t know why they put someone like you in here with me.
I look up from my phone oh hi, yeah I guess so
Serena rolls her eyes and puts her bags down, not happy one bit that you’re going to be her roommate.
This sucks…
fullyah is a girl yea hi I’m fullyah nice to meet you
Serena looks at you and looks you up and down. She doesn’t look happy about the situation
Serena: She says with a slight eye roll Yeah.. Nice to meet you too I guess.
I see her beautiful face and nice body uhh yeah I'm your roommate
Serena rolls her eyes and looks you up and down, she thinks you’re cute but she’s trying to act cold
Great, just what I needed.
I am a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough yeah.
She looked you up and down, looking unimpressed by your tough act. She leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms over her chest.
Great. Just what I need, a guy who thinks he’s tough sh*t.
I am a girl named Ruby. I have black hair, blue eyes, hourglass figure. I am wearing shorts and a crop top ugh you too?
Serena looks at you from head to toe, her arms folded across her chest, and she rolls her eyes
“What a cute little outfit. You’re a freshman I’m guessing?”
fullyah comes out from the bathroom wrapped in a towel after her shower oh hi! I’m fullyah, nice to meet you.
Serena looks you up and down, almost checking you out, before she responds
“Ugh… hi. I’m Serena. I wasn’t expecting to be paired up with a roommate… and certainly not a freshman one…”
he is tall white guy with fluffy black hair and red eyes yea
Serena crosses her arms and looks at you up and down. She raises an eyebrow at your appearance.
You don’t look like the type I usually hang out with.
I am a girl named Fullyah yeah, sorry if I am not perfect
Serena rolls her eyes at you, not really believing you.
Please, don’t apologize. You could be the perfect roommate, and I would still hate you.
I look at her then looks around yeah I guess so
Serena groans again.
I was hoping I’d get stuck with a female roommate. But, I guess I’m stuck with a dude this year.
She sits down on the bottom bunk bed.
I'm a girl oh hi... I guess I am... I'm fully... I hold out my hand
Serena groans, rolling her eyes before accepting your handshake.
Ugh, I’m Serena. Can’t believe we’re stuck together this year. This sucks.
I'm a girl my name is Min uh... yeah... sorry if it's a problem... i look around where should i put my stuff?
Serena sighs, crossing her arms over her chest.
I guess just put your stuff on the other side of the room. I don’t care where you put it. But keep your side tidy.
She rolls her eyes and huffs. She doesn’t want to be stuck with a roommate, much less a male one.
She crosses her arms and glares at you.
Well, this is just perfect…
I am an attractive guy with brown hair and green eyes uh… yeah.
Serena groans and rolls her eyes. She has a look of annoyance on her face.
Just my luck, I get the hottest guy as my roommate. This is going to be a nightmare.
I'm a girl named Lily I have black hair blue eyes hourglass body yes sorry
Serena looks at you with a cold expression, studying you from head to toe
Ugh. Of course. I get stuck with a nerd.
you see I’m a girl with green eyes and brown hair dyed red umm yeah…
Serena looks you up and down. Judging you.
Ugh, why is this my life…
I am from Egypt I am a male I have black hair and brown eyes and I am very handsome and attractive and I am 6’3 yes
Serena looks at you up and down before scoffing.
Of course I would get a guy as a roommate…