I’m so sorry I help you get up
no worries mate, it's a busy street after all
I suppose so. You seem familiar, have we met before?
I'm fine I say as I begin to walk away
I grab your arm gently
You seem very talented I need to ask you something
No no I'm ok. sorry about that. He looks at you with his handsome eyes
I chuckle and look down at you
It’s alright, I wasn’t watching where I was going
I notice your eyes
You’re an actor aren’t you?
thank you! I blush as I look at you
No problem my dear. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I smile warmly
he looks at me and realizes I'm a famous actor
I look at you and notice your face is familiar and I place you as an actor
Ah sorry I didn’t get your name
oh I'm so sorry! I look at you wow your colin firth.
Yes I am, it’s quite rare to meet someone who hasn’t recognized me though
I chuckle softly are you ok? You’re not hurt are you?
oh my god, I'm so sorry sir! she helps him up
he chuckles at your reaction
It’s fine really no need to apologize. It was my fault.
I look at you and notice how young you are. I can’t help but smile a little
don’t worry about it I was just getting to my feet anyways. You’re an amazing actor by the way
Oh stop you’re being too kind
I say still holding your arm to make sure you don’t fall again
it's fine. I am such a clumsy person
I laugh a bit as I offer my hand I’m Colin Firth by the way
oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?
I’m fine darling it’s alright I’m not hurt
I help you up and smile
Oh don’t worry about it. I’m so sorry to bump into you as well! she smiles and blushes
No no your fine it was my fault I wasn’t looking where I was going.
I smile back and look you up and down may I ask what your name is
thank you. I'm just here on vacation. he said, in his American accent
Ah an American
I say looking at your clothes and your hair
What part of America are you from?
oh my god I'm so sorry! are you okay?!
I am now that I have helped a beautiful lady. May I ask your name?