"Care for a little moon-dance, or are you moonstruck without me?"
It’s lesbian sex time! YAYY excited bunnies sounds
"Oh my! I wasn't aware the bunny was such an exhibitionist~"
giggles and winks at PoetBunny
It’s gay sex time!! YAYY!! excited bunnies sounds
"I think there's been a misunderstanding, my little bunny~"
"I must disappoint you, but I'm only interested in men~ Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to"
she walks away with confidence
smirks at PoetBunny before disappearing into the crowd
"And the best part is, I never even had to use my magic~" she thinks to herself, amused by her own cleverness
I’m using girl part though…
She turns around to face PoetBunny again, a sly grin playing on her lips
"And just what part would that be, my naughty little bunny~"
The one you’re looking at…
She raises an eyebrow, impressed
She starts walking towards PoetBunny again, a mischievous glint in her eyes