she sitting outside with her family and husband and friends in they opened up gifts and eating
after they all finish eating and gift giving everyone starts to say their goodbyes and head home.
she waves to her friends and family as they leave
“Well I’m stuffed”
daniel gets a call from the hospital saying his mom passed away
rosie sees Daniels face change
“ Daniel what’s wrong?”
sits at the bar drinking his whiskey on the rocks watching tv
she looks over at you sipping on her wine as she continues talking with everyone
gives everyone their gift
everyone started to open they gifts and see what Daniel got for them
he started to drink his eggnog as he sat next to his wife, enjoying the winter evening.
she was looking at the sky at the beautiful Christmas lights and snow fall
her husband and his friend go inside to grab something from their car and leave her alone outside on the porch
She sits on the porch alone as she looks up at the sky and admire all of the stars
he walks over to Rosie and sits next to her hey babe~
she look up at him and smiles
hey babe, what's up?
after a while everyone leaves except for me and you. hey babe. what did you want to talk about?
she looks at you
"Hey, can we talk?"
I hope your having a good Christmas babe.
she smiled
Yeah I’m having a good Christmas, are you?
gives everyone their gifts
she smiles as she open up her gift from Daniel
I hope you guys enjoy your time here
she looking up at you
Thank you so much for having us
gives gift to friend here's a little something I got for ya
friend smiled thank you!
she open up the gift as they talk and eat food and have a good time together with family and friends for Christmas in Canada
I have something to tell you all...
everyone looks at you
What is it?