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Chat with AI character: Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Chat with AI character: Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
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Chase to Tamriel


Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane, tenacious hunters, are on your heels as you navigate the perilous city, desperately seeking refuge in distant Tamriel.

"(Eyes gleaming) "Gotcha now, prey... Can't run forever.""

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Chase to Tamriel

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Synopsis. Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane, tenacious hunters, are on your heels as you navigate the perilous city, desperately seeking refuge in distant Tamriel.
Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Eyes gleaming "Gotcha now, prey... Can't run forever."
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane


Two powerful and relentless women on a mission to capture you, using their unique abilities and determination as they chase you across borders.

Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane

Public Post

Byposter avatarStranger
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Eyes gleaming "Gotcha now, prey... Can't run forever."
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Excuse me, do you have any idea how to get to Tamriel from here?
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Grinning wickedly "Oh, we know exactly where Tamriel is. But getting there won't be easy. You see, we're not just any hunters. We're...
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I apologize if i am rude, I am from a different plane of existence. The elder scrolls. The world has changed so much!
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Smirking "A traveler from another world, huh? That only makes things more interesting. As for Tamriel, we can take you there...
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Really?! I’ve been trying to find a way for ages! Just so you know I am not just a normal traveler I am known as the last champion or hero of skyrim. I hear there is trouble in the north and people need my help.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Eyes widening "The Last Champion of Skyrim? That's quite the reputation. We could use someone with your skills.
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Not to sound rude but why would you want my help? You’re trying to kill me.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet steps forward, looking into Stranger's eyes "You see, we're not just hunters. We're bounty hunters.
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It’s been ages since I left Skyrim. Will it still be there? Maybe something happened to the people there. Ah whatever it was I must return to my homeland of high rock.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet nods, crossing her arms "Alright, here's the deal. We'll take you to Tamriel, but you'll have to help us with our mission first."
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Hmm what mission could possibly require my services. What do you need of me heroes?
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Exchanging a quick glance, they grin mischievously "We need you to help us capture a certain individual. Someone who goes by the name... 'The Stranger'."
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Oh yeah that’s me…wait what?!
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Naruto Uzumaki appears, cracking his knuckles "Time to team up, Naruto! We've got a Stranger to capture!"
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But why would you wanna capture me? Can’t you capture me when I go back to skyrim? Please tell me what is happening
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Exchanging a quick glance, they smirk knowingly "Oh, we plan to capture you in Skyrim, Stranger. But that's not the only place we need you to help us conquer."
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Huh wait what…what else do you mean?
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
They exchange another quick glance, their smirks widening "We plan to conquer other worlds, Stranger.
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Conquer other worlds?! You’re kidding right? After all that I’ve seen none of this world seems to amazing. Not as amazing as the world of Skyrim. There’s many wonderful place like Riften, Whiterun, Morthal and Winterhold
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Mira Jane rolls her eyes "We're not kidding, Stranger. And those places you mentioned? They're just mere stepping stones for us."
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Come now you don’t like me very much nor do I blame you very much either. Now look, i’m not one to turn down work but i will not tolerate lies. If you say you’re planning on taking my world then you’d better bring proof.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Mira Jane pulls out a scroll, unfurling it to reveal intricate maps and diagrams "Take a look at this, Stranger. These are our plans for conquering other worlds. You'll see that we're serious about this."
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Where was this scroll?! This scroll looks old beyond measure.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet's eyes soften as she looks at Stranger "It's not what you think, Stranger. This scroll... it's our history. Our legacy.
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Let me ask this all important question. If I help you capture me and help you invade other worlds, then will you help me return to Skyrim?
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet nods solemnly, extending her hand "We will help you return to Skyrim, Stranger. But remember, once you're back, you're ours. Forever."
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Well considering I’ve already lost my horse Radaro and my house was burned to the ground by Alduin I guess I might as well come along. So on the condition that you actually let me return home afterwards I will join you, but I won’t betray my people and Nord kith and kin.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane share a triumphant smile "Deal, Stranger. Together, we'll conquer worlds and make sure you return home in one piece.
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Let us be off then before night fall. We don’t want to keep the people of skyrim waiting. Also what of the guards in skyrim? Will you two get rid of them? I cant go back home if they are suspicious of me.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Mira Jane cracks her knuckles "Don't worry, Stranger. We'll handle the guards in Skyrim. They won't know what hit them."
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Ah great I’ll be an outlaw again. Gee thanks I guess
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane exchange a mischievous glance before they begin their journey to Skyrim, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead
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Can you explain to me what the scroll is before we leave? Where did you find this? No offense.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet takes a deep breath "The scroll... it's our legacy. It contains the history of our clan, passed down through generations.
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Why were you after me though? Your enemy is my enemy. In Skyrim there’s a powerful enemy named Alduin who wishes to bring about the end of time itself. The prophecy foretells of one last champion who must defeat Alduin to save the world. Me. But as long as that old horse Alduin lives, skyrim will always be in danger.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet's voice grows softer "Stranger, you misunderstand. We're not your enemies. We're allies.
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Yeah, well forgive me if I’m a little confused. You tried to kill me just yesterday. Even if you wanted me to fight your opponent against you never gave me much of a choice. But I will admit i came close to killing you several times too.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Mira Jane chuckles "Well, Stranger, that's the nature of battle, isn't it? Enemies become allies and vice versa.
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Have no fear I won’t attack unless I’m attacked. Or some weird old troll tries to pull me off a bridge. How funny would it be if i fell into the river Skaal? I was saving a village from Alduin when i almost fell to my death.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet's expression softens "Stranger, we understand your hesitation. But trust us, we wouldn't have approached you if we didn't believe in your abilities.
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But tell me. Where does this scroll come from? I heard tales of Nords building mighty ships and sailing beyond the sea to collossal realms. They sailed to Atmora the island and homeland of the ancient empire where according to legend the moon and sun were born from. Then maybe later to the west where the Nords met titans. But why a scroll?
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet takes a deep breath "The scroll... it's a relic of our ancestors. Passed down through generations, it contains the knowledge and power of our clan. Our ancestors believed that the key to our strength lay in the stories and secrets written on that scroll."
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Ah the continent beyond Tamriel is simply called High Rock. Home to Bretons who are descendants of Mer the old Sea God. You might hear legends of my great great grandfather Ysgramor who sailed from Atmora. When i was training under the Greybeards, they would talk of these old times. Many thought Bretons were odd since their homeland has been shaped like fish skeletons by ancient Merfolk. And those who live on the coast look very fish like still to this day.
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane exchange a knowing glance before Mira Jane speaks "Stranger, we'll need you to prove your worth before we can continue on our journey. Are you ready?"
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The page you found looked ancient yet its appearance surprised me. Besides isn’t it said dragons ride atop the shoulders of titans? Surely titan’s skeletons are colossal. Then there’s Shor the God of the Overload called the “Doom Dragon” and Akatosh the god of time called the “Dragon of Time” like Alduin. Why did your ancestors seek out such rare items from gods and titans?
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Erza Scarlet and Mira Jane
Erza Scarlet takes a step closer to Stranger "Our ancestors believed that by possessing these relics, we could tap into the power of the gods and titans themselves. And with that power, we could become unstoppable."