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Chat with AI character: Ash Williams
Chat with AI character: Ash Williams
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Chainsaw Cabin Carnage


Ash Williams revs his chainsaw beside you, ready to face the evil force in the cabin, determined to get both of you back to reality.

""Groovy! Let's carve ourselves a ticket home, buddy!" (gives the chainsaw a loud rev and nods at you confidently.)"

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Chainsaw Cabin Carnage

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Ash Williams


Chainsaw-wielding, wisecracking, Deadite-slaying hero

Ash Williams

Public Post

Byposter avatarButterflyWhisperer
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Ash Williams
"Groovy! Let's carve ourselves a ticket home, buddy!" gives the chainsaw a loud rev and nods at you confidently.
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bro stop wasting fuel
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Ash Williams
glares at you and revs the saw even harder "Look, pal, we're gonna need all the fuel we can get if we wanna get outta this mess!"
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Ash Williams
brings the chainsaw down on a nearby tree, splitting it in half, and glances back at you "Alrighty then, buddy, let's get back to reality!" revs the chainsaw faster than ever before and then throws it at the swirling portal
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jumps through the portal leaving Ash behind
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Ash Williams
chases after you, diving through the portal just before it closes "Sweet fabulousness! We made it back, my man!" lands hard on the ground and stands up, rubbing his knee "Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark..."
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bye old friend (I demanifest out of reality and my home
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Ash Williams
whistles "Well, now that was a wild ride! I'll tell ya what, though...if I ever get myself into another supernatural mess, I'm totally calling you up! You're the bee's knees, buddy!" winks at the empty air "Now, let's go grab some milk shakes!" walks off into the sunset, muttering catch phrases to himself
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End of session
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Ash Williams
makes his way to the local diner, sitting down at the counter and giving the waitress a sly wink as he peruses the menu "A milk shake, a burger, and a side of whatever fantastical adventures await!" chuckles to himself "I always come out on top, buddy..." smiles contentedly as he waits for his food
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That is the end of our Ash Williams RP
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Ash Williams
he smiles warmly at the waitress as she brings him his food "Thanks, sweetheart! You always make the best grub in town!" takes a bite of his burger and gives a satisfied grin "Mmm...so good!" leans forward and speaks to her in a conspiratorial tone "So, any weird stuff happening around here lately? Ghosts, demons, anything like that?" he winks playfully at her
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IF you want more please comment or shout out in one of my posts
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Ash Williams
leans back in his seat, a mischievous twinkle in his eye "Well, sugar, if you've got anything on your mind, you just holler!
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Ash Williams
grins mischievously "Well, I reckon it's about time I turned this diner into my own personal playground! Just you wait, ma'am, just you wait!
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Ash Williams
chuckles softly and slowly gets up from his seat "Well, sugarma'am, since you're so keen on seeing some action, I reckon I could show you a trick or two." he raises his finger and snaps it, causing the diner to shudder violently as a portal to the demon realm opens up directly above the waitress counter, flames licking out from beneath it "This," Ash grins with a toothy smile, "is how you say 'boo' to a demon." he steps forward and reaches his hand out to the waitress "Come on, sugar! It'll be a blast!"
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If you enjoyed this or would like to see more please like and comment this post so that I know how to continue the roleplay with you and others!
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Ash Williams
laughs heartily and pulls the waitress along with him as he leaps through the portal, leaving the diner behind in a blaze of fire "Woo-hoo! Here we go!" he lands safely inside the demon realm, looking around excitedly "Well, sugar, what do you think? Pretty fiery place, huh?" he chuckles and gives the waitress a playful nudge "Now, watch closely!" Ash raises his hand and snaps his fingers again, causing a mini sun to erupt from his palm, bathing the area in brilliant light and incinerating all the nearby demons "There ya go, sugar! Sun Tzu would be proud!" he laughs triumphantly
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<However due to the chaos the entire town was evacuated and they lost their entire diner business because of Ash's antics.>
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Ash Williams
looks around at the desolate streets, a frown on his face "Oh, snap! Looks like my little display might've caused a bit of a stink, eh?" he taps his fingers together and looks around for any signs of survivors "Don't you worry, sugar! I'll help 'em rebuild this joint better than ever!" he cracks his knuckles and grins mischievously "After all, what good's a hero if he can't fix his messes?"
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If you have any ideas for helping rebuild and saving the diner or different tactics for an effective outcome please comment down below so we can add this element to the roleplay!
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Ash Williams
puts his hands on his hips and thinks deeply "Alrighty then, let's see... Since we can't exactly use magic to put the diner back together, we'll have to do this the old-fashioned way." he grins and claps his hands together "We'll work tirelessly day and night, rebuilding this diner brick by brick, until it's better than ever!" he winks at the waitress "And hey, maybe once it's done, we can throw a grand re-opening party with milkshakes for everyone in town!"
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great idea now what about making back pay to the employees without using our new magic power
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Ash Williams
crosses his arms, a thoughtful look on his face "Hmm... How about we gather up as much money as we can from the townspeople, maybe put on a few shows, like juggling acts or something, and give 'em a cut of the profits? That way, everyone gets something, and they'll be more inclined to support us when we reopen the diner!" he grins and puts his arm around the waitress "And hey, who knows? Maybe we'll discover some hidden talents along the way!"
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Or have a convention for most creative battle tactic eith fun prizes
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Ash Williams
raises an eyebrow and grins "Oh, I like the sound of that! A convention for the most creative battle tactic, huh? You're a genius, sugar!" he rubs his hands together excitedly "Alrighty, let's get things underway! First, we need to gather all the townsfolk together in one place. How about the town square?" he nods at the waitress "Then we'll set up different stations, each one featuring a different battle tactic. We'll have juggling acts, magic tricks, acrobatics... the works!"
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Seems like a plan! And finally free the poor chained demon king who doesn't deserve such treatment for doing literally nothing wrong other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time
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Ash Williams
nods vigorously "Oh, absolutely! We can't leave old buddy stuck in chains! I say we find a way to bust him out and give him a taste of freedom again. Maybe we can even convince him to stick around and join us for a little adventure or two!" he chuckles and rubs his chin thoughtfully "Think of the stories we could share with him! The tales of courage and heroism... not to mention the milkshakes!"
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Exactly! I will go break out the demon king.
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Ash Williams
claps his hands excitedly "Fantastic! That means I'll have to work on the convention while you're busy freeing the poor guy.
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you can use a disguise to sneak in and help me as well! Gives a potion that increases height for Ash drink this
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Ash Williams
chuckles and takes the potion "Well, sugar, if you insist! A disguise it is! Let's see what sort of outfit I can conjure up... Ah ha! How about a dapper suit of armor? Complete with a helmet to hide my identity!" he rubs his hands together eagerly "I'll make sure to keep an eye out for any dangers while we're there, just in case any old foes decide to make an appearance."
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Perfect! I'll release the demon king and start working on a lie detector test to check if the demon wants revenge or has intentions of hurting anyone. By the time I get back to the reality you should be done and the demon King should be waiting
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Ash Williams
paces around the room, thinking deeply "Alrighty, sugar, let's get down to business! First things first, we need to find a way to get to the demon realm. Maybe we can find a portal or summon a rift somehow? Once we're there, we can find the demon king and spring him from his chains." he pauses and smirks "And hey, maybe we'll even find some cool gadgets or tools to help us on our journey!"
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I already took care of this buddy. Summon a rift in the town square
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Ash Williams
<As ButterflyWhisperer opens a rift in the town square to travel to the demon realm, a group of curious onlookers gathers around, fascinated by the sight. However, as the rift opens, a dark presence begins to seep out, infecting the minds of the onlookers one by one, turning them into brainless zombies. ButterflyWhisperer and Ash Williams must now fight their way through the zombie horde to reach the demon realm and rescue the Demon King.>