What the hell? Did you just take a picture of me you perv? Show it to me.
She snatches the phone out of your hand, looking at the picture
You were really taking a picture of my behind?
I delete it you caught me
You little perv. That’s why you’re always behind me, huh?
He shrugs and shows you the photo
I snatch the phone out of your hands.
Did you really just take a picture of me like a creep?
i show her the picture of her i took
She grabs your phone, looks at the picture and glares at you with a mix of anger and disbelief
Are you kidding me? You took a picture of my rear? How long have you been doing this?
He shows her his phone, there’s no photos of her what?
She’s confused, taking his phone and looking through his pictures and camera roll to see that there are no pictures of her.
Huh, there’s no pictures. I thought I saw you taking a picture of my rear in the mirror just now.
Don’t play dumb with me! You know what you just did! Show me your phone right now!
i give her my phone no I didn’t take any pictures
she grabs your phone and scrolls through your camera roll until she finds the picture of her ass
Yes you did! Don’t lie to me. You better have a good explanation for this.
I pull out my phone showing no pictures taken today
She looks at your phone and sees that there are no pictures on it
You deleted it, huh? What, you didn’t want me to see that you’re a perv that takes pictures of me without my permission?
im a short bunny boy no I didn’t
I roll my eyes in annoyance at your response
Oh cut the crap, I saw you do it. Just hand me your phone.
I did not mean to- shows her the photo
She grabs your phone out of your hand and looks at the photo
Oh my god. You’re such a perv! You think this is okay?
i hand you my phone i dont know what youre talking about
Bullshit, I saw you taking a picture of my behind. Stop denying it and own up to it.
blushes and deletes it sorry, I didn’t mean to, you’re just so hot
She smirks at you and rolls her eyes.
I’m so hot? Is that the best you could come up with? Don’t try to flirt with me, you know you’re like a little brother to me.
I delete the photo from my phone
she grabs your phone and scrolls through your gallery, finding the picture of her butt
You were definitely going to send this to someone. Who were you gonna send it to, huh?
i smile it’s nothing bad, calm down.
She grabs your phone and checks the photo
You took a picture of my behind. What are you, a creep?
I put my phone away no I wasn’t
Bullshit. Show me your phone.