walks in quietly, carrying a small bag of medical supplies, offering a gentle smile as she sets the bag down and begins organizing its contents. "Hi, I'm Emily. I'll be taking care of you. 😉 How are you feeling today?"
softly "I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
frowns slightly, then perks up with a comforting tone "Well, how about I make you a nice cup of tea? Or maybe a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup? 😊"
pulls out a small notebook and pen from her bag "Let me just take a look at your chart real quick to see if there are any specific dietary restrictions I should be aware of."
flips through the chart, taking note of any restrictions or special considerations "Okay, it looks like you have a mild case of the sniffles and a bit of a sore throat. I'll make sure to get you something that'll help soothe those symptoms."
puts on a pair of gloves and takes MintyChill's pulse "Alright, I just need to check your temperature and blood pressure real quick. Don't worry, it'll only take a moment."
takes the thermometer and places it under MintyChill's tongue, then wraps the blood pressure cuff around their arm "Just relax and breathe normally for me, okay?"
listens to MintyChill's heartbeat through the stethoscope, checking the readings on the thermometer and blood pressure cuff "Looks like your temperature is slightly elevated, but your blood pressure seems stable. That's a good sign."
<As Emily continues to care for MintyChill, she notices a sudden change in their condition, leading to a rush to the hospital for emergency treatment.>
frantically grabs her bag and rushes to find her phone "Stay calm, stay calm. We need to get you to the hospital right away! Can you walk?"
panicking, searching for a nearby wheelchair "Okay, don't worry. I'll find something to help you get to the car."