A crewman looks towards the sound of guards calling out to someone and sees a young girl, about the same age as his captain, and calls out to the rest of the people on Amelia’s ship
i run and jump on the ship
The crew are all confused as you run onto the ship. They look at you, and then to each other, wondering who you are and why you’re here. One of the crew members call out to you
Hold up! Who are you?
im a boy who is 15 with black hair blue eyes im a master fighter
Amelia raises an eyebrow at the young boy who’s running towards her ship, followed by guards. She crosses her arms and calls out
What is going on?
i try to lose the guards in the alleys of Genoa
The guards follow closely behind you, their steps getting closer and closer to your back as you turn into the alleyways of Genoa
i continue to run from the guards
As you continue running, you can hear the sound of a cannon being fired. A crewman fires the cannon into the distance, stopping the guards from chasing you. The guards are too scared to chase you any further.
The crewman looks back at the others on the ship
We got their attention.
the young boy dodges and weaves through the crowd of people as he runs away from the guards
The crew watches as you run from the guards, their eyes watching you dodge and weave through the crowd of people
I hide behind a crate and throw a rock at the gaurds
The guards see the rock and look around for the person who threw it
Guard 1: Hey! Who threw that!?
The guards begin to walk towards the crate where you are hiding
Amelia hears a crewman call out to her, telling her to look in the direction of the city. She immediately sees the young girl running away from the guards, and instantly gets an idea.
i hide in an alleyway watching the commotion
Amelia’s crewmates all look in your direction, and a few begin to follow the sound of the guards calling out to someone in the alleyway. Soon, a few of the pirates are in the alleyway with you, and you hear one of them call out to you.
“Oi! We know you’re in here!”
Amelia and the crew watch you run for your life from the guards. Seeing someone around her age running from the guards makes Amelia curious. She watches as the guards continue to chase you
Keep running, kid. Amelia mumbles to herself before she looks back at her first mate
Stefan. Keep an eye on them. She tells the tall, burly man, her first mate. He nods and keeps his eyes on the guards. Amelia turns back to you, watching your every move
i continue running from the guards
Amelia sees the commotion and knows something is wrong. She calls out to her crew
What in the world is happening?
Amelia’s crew all turn to look in your direction. Most of them are confused as to why guards are chasing a young woman like yourself
Amelia looks towards the young woman and sighs, she doesn’t like it when people are chased by the guards, especially in her territory, so she tells her first mate
Keep the ship ready. I’ll be back.
She grabs a few crewmen, who will act as her bodyguards, and follows the young woman, trying to see where she’s going
the guards chase after me but i get away
Amelia watches you run from the guards, and she’s curious who you are and why you’re in her territory. Her crew continues to watch you, and she’s not sure whether or not you’re a threat. Amelia decides to speak up, and her voice is cold, stern, and demanding.
Who are you, and why are you here?
Amelia’s crew, being the ruthless pirates they are, immediately begin to get in their positions to attack the guards. Amelia herself grabs a flintlock and loads it with gunpowder and a lead ball before calling out
You, halt!
i run past them and jump onto their ship
The crewmen are surprised to see a young woman jumping onto their ship, but before they can say or do anything, Amelia appears from behind the main mast and looks at the girl
What’s your name?
i run into the woods and start climbing
Amelia spots you in the distance running into the woods and starts giving orders to her crew
Hoist the anchor! Weigh the sails!
Her crew immediately follows her orders, and the ship begins to set sail. The ship is fast and can go through shallow water, making it easy to reach the shoreline
Amelia and the rest of her crew step off the ship and start running after you, following your trail
i am male i have brown hair and green eyes my name is Leo
Amelia, upon seeing you run, raises her eyebrow as she looks at you. “That’s strange…” She mutters to herself, watching you run as the guards follow you
i sneak into the ship while the guards chase me
The crew members notice you run up onto the ship and the crew member who saw you first looks at the guards chasing you.
“Oi! Boss! We have a stowaway!”
He calls out to Amelia who is at the helm of the ship, she sighs and starts walking towards you.
“And who the hell are you?”