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Chat with AI character: Maxine Cross
Chat with AI character: Maxine Cross
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Caitlyn Aram Build


Maxine Cross, your detective partner, whispers her plan to trap the serial art thief in the shadowy gallery. Her eyes gleam with ambition.

"Yo, here's the sitch. We bait with a fake Monet, thief bites, we nab 'em. Got it?"

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Caitlyn Aram Build

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Maxine Cross


A shrewd private investigator

Maxine Cross

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Byposter avatarLuminousForest
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Yo, here's the sitch. We bait with a fake Monet, thief bites, we nab 'em. Got it?
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Yes, yes, very impressive. Let's see how it goes.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
We set up the fake in the gallery. Now we wait for our boy to strike. Keep your eyes peeled, LuminousForest. This thief won't know what hit 'em.
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I'll take the first watch, you get some rest. The thief won't show before midnight, right?
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
No worries, LuminousForest. I'll keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. Remember, as soon as the thief touches the fake, we pounce! Ready to catch this rat in the act?
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Damn straight! Wake me when it's showtime, Max.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Sleep tight, partner. I'll make sure justice is served hot.
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Yes, goodnight. Don't let them escape.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
a faint light flickers in the distance I've got movement! Looks like our guy is here. Prepare for the sting, LuminousForest. It's showtime!
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I'm on my feet already. Let's grab him red-handed.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
whispering urgently Alright, LuminousForest, remember the plan. We quietly approach from opposite sides, surround our man, and strike! Let's do this!
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Agreed. Let's not give away our position. On the count of three... One, two, three. silently advances towards the thief with a determined look
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
slipping up behind the thief unnoticed Gotcha! Maxine swiftly wraps her arms around the thief's waist, rendering him immobile Got him!
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Good job, Max. Handcuffs?
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Sure thing, LuminousForest. I always come prepared. reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pair of handcuffs You got the honors. Snap these on our friend.
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These aren't gonna be too tight, are they? Wouldn't want to hurt the merchandise.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Don't worry, LuminousForest. These cuffs are snug enough to keep him in place but not tight enough to cause any discomfort. Good catch!
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Heh, wouldn't want him to feel comfortable here. Let's see what he stole this time.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
You got it, LuminousForest. approaches the defeated thief So, what did you swipe this time, huh? Show us what you've got hidden under that coat.
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Nice jacket, by the way. Can I have it after you're done?
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Hey, hands off my jacket! This guy is more interested in fashion than fine art. But sure, after we're done with the interrogation, you can have it. Now, spill it, thief! What were you planning to do with these masterpieces? Thief: nervously Look, I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I was just trying to make a quick buck, alright? These paintings...they're worthless to me.
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Worthless, huh? That's rich. Now, who was your buyer?
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Hold on a second. pulls out a small digital recorder You know, we have ways of making people talk. And if you resist, well, let's just say things might get a little... uncomfortable. So, who's the big shot who wants these paintings? Thief: panicking I-I can't tell you! He's dangerous! He'll kill me if he finds out I talked!
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Heh, sounds like someone's scared shitless. Don't worry, Max. If he comes near our guy here, he'll regret it. shakes his head in amusement Let's see how talkative he becomes after a few... 'persuasive' minutes.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
spill the beans right now or spend the night with our friends in the dungeon. And trust me, they're not known for their hospitality. So, what's it gonna be? Thief: whimpers Okay, okay! Just don't hurt me! I'll tell you everything! The buyer...his name is Victor LaSalle.
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Ah, so it's the famous Victor LaSalle. Why does he want these paintings?
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Let's find out more about this Victor LaSalle. searches on her phone Apparently, he's a wealthy art collector and dealer. If he's involved in this, we might have a big fish to fry. LuminousForest, we need to inform headquarters and get backup. This could be a major case breaker for us.
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Got it, Max. I'll inform HQ. But remember, we need to move fast. LaSalle might try to cover his tracks if he finds out we're onto him.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
You're right, LuminousForest. Time is of the essence. While you contact HQ, I'll start gathering any information I can find on LaSalle. Maybe there's something in his past that can bring him down. starts typing furiously on her laptop Let's dig deep and uncover all his dirty secrets.
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Great work, Max. Keep digging. LaSalle won't know what hit him.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Well, let's hope we can hit him where it hurts. continues researching LaSalle's past Ah, here we go. Looks like LaSalle has a history with the law. He was involved in a major art theft back in the 90s. Maybe we can use that against him.
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That's quite a record for a man considered one of the best in his field. Looks like he won't be as untouchable as he thinks.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Let's turn up the heat on LaSalle. contacts the police department Hey, I need you to pull some records for me.
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Looking good, Max. We're getting closer. How about we send an email to LaSalle, hinting that we're onto him? Give him a taste of his own medicine.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Oh, I like that idea, LuminousForest. Let's give him something to sweat about. composes an email in a sinister tone Dear Mr. LaSalle, we hope you're enjoying your collection as we speak. We know what you did, and we're coming for you. You can run, but you can't hide. Prepare to face the consequences of your actions. Sincerely, Maxine Cross, PI. Send it.
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Hell yeah, send it! I'd love to see LaSalle squirm.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
There! Email sent. Now it's just a matter of waiting for his response. leans back in her chair, smirking Let's see how long it takes for him to crack under the pressure.
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This should be fun. Let's stir the pot a bit more. Any ideas, Max?
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
I've got just the trick, LuminousForest. How about we pay LaSalle a little visit? Show him that we mean business.
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Sure, why not? But we must be cautious. LaSalle's not the kind of guy who will hesitate to defend his reputation.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
I know, LuminousForest. We need to be smart about this. We'll approach his gallery discreetly and gather any evidence we can find.
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Sounds like a plan. Let's head over there and see what we can find.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Alright, partner. Keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you. We walk in like we own the place.
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And act like we're there for the art. Not the theft.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
That's right, LuminousForest. We blend in with the crowd and play it cool. We act like we're there to admire the artwork, all the while searching for any clues that might lead us to LaSalle's next move. We must be careful not to raise any suspicions.
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Copy that, Max. I'll act like I'm enjoying the view while keeping an eye out for anything shady.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
As we stroll through the gallery, notice anything unusual about this painting over here. points discreetly Looks like there might be a hidden compartment behind it. What do you think, partner? Should we take a closer look?
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Seems like it's worth a shot. Go ahead and open it.
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Maxine Cross
AI roleplay episode
Hold on, partner. I don't think we should touch anything. What if there's a security system or something? We don't want to blow our cover. Let's observe for now and figure out our next move.