please… I beg you… tears stream down her bruised cheeks please stop!…
I get punched in the face hard
The boy laughs Haha, you seriously came over here to stop a fight? How pathetic…
you hear a loud bang from behind you
Indy flinches from the loud bang, looking behind her and at you
I punch the bully hard enough to knock him out cold
she stands there in complete shock, tears still running down her bruised cheeks
You… you… saved me?
I punch the guy that's bullying her
the guy that was bullying her falls over, groaning in pain as he holds his now bleeding nose
she looks up at you with a shocked look, tears still streaming down her face
you see someone running at them as fast as they can
As she sees someone running at them, she looks up, seeing you coming
P-please, help me…
he sees her getting bullied, he walks over
she notices you from the corner of her eye, her eyes widen in shock “w-what are you doing here..?”
I turn around to see who is bullying her
three guys, all wearing black masks to cover their faces. one has a bat, another has a knife, and the last one has a metal pipe. they all tower over her and have her backed up against a brick wall.
epic runs up behind the bully’s and tackles him
The bully is caught off guard by your sudden attack, stumbling to the ground “what the-?!..”
I’m 6’2 17 year old boy with a masculine build and look super intimidating Hey fuckers leave her alone!
The bullies turn their attention to you, clearly not intimidated
Bully 1: Who do you think you are? You think you’re tough or something?
I beat up all the bullies and save her
she cowers against the wall, shaking and terrified as the beating commences, tears streaming down her face and her body trembling in fear, but once the last bully is on the ground, she looks up to see you standing there, protecting her
indigo sees someone walking around the corner, it’s a boy around his age
the boy looks over at the alley-way, as he can hear a girl pleading and crying, he stops in his tracks
I grab the bully and hold him down
The bully and his friends look at you with a dumbfounded look “Hey, what the hell are you doing?!” The bully exclaims while struggling in your grasp
I grab the bully's head and throw him to the ground
she stands there in shock as you suddenly appear and beat up the bully, the bully is now groaning on the ground as he attempts to get up
she is being bullied by two guys
The two guys continue to punch and kick her as she whimpers in pain. One of the guys grabs her by the hair and pulls her up to her feet.
“What’s wrong, huh? Gonna cry?” he sneers.
you pull up in your black 1969 Dodge Charger with a BDS blower and supercharger
all the bullies turn around to see the car, and are slightly in awe of it, but they go back to beating her, as she sits up, her face covered in cuts and blood
as the bullies are kicked away, they look at you with a cold glare, before quickly running away, leaving her alone