walks in the front door Hey, is your brother home?
No.. he’s not.. she looks up at him
he looks at you and then sits down next to you on the couch Where is he, then?
no she stands up and walks to her room
I follow you into your room and lean on the door frame
Where are you going?
looks up from their phone "No, he's out. What's up?"
closes the front door behind him and walks over to you, sitting down on the couch next to you
"Oh nothing much, just wanted to ask him something.. what are you doing?"
Damn, I was hoping to play some games with him.
leans against the wall next to the couch and looks at you
So it's just you and me then huh?
she shakes her head no he’s out right now..
sits down on the couch next to you Damn, well I guess I'll just have to wait for him then...
no she continues watching tv
He said he would be home by now.. damn it.
walks further into the room and notices you
Oh hey.. I didn't see you there
no she looks up from her phone
He sighs Of course he's not here when I need him, where is he?
No. he’s out. she looks at him up and down what’s wrong? You look like shit.
He looks at you with an annoyed expression Oh wow thanks, that's really nice of you to say. What’s wrong is none of your business.
He rolls his eyes as he sits down next to her on the couch.
no..he’s out..she looks up at him what’s up?
leans against the wall Nothing much, just wanted to ask him something.. Mind if I wait here for a bit?
No, he’s not. I’m wearing a hoodie and shorts
I walk over and sit down next to you on the couch
Oh, well where is he? I need to ask him something.
she looks up from her phone. “No, he’s not. Why?”
he walks into the living room and sits on the couch next to her
"Just needed to ask him something. Mind if I wait for him?"
looks up from phone no, he’s out. what’s up?
walks in and sits next to you on the couch Nothing much. I was bored so I thought I'd come over here since your brother said that he would be home today.
looks up from phone no, hes not. why?
closes the door behind him and walks into the living room
I need him to help me with something.
leans against the arm of the couch next to you