User: squeaks as someone grabs her. terrified
Tyler: quickly looks at who it is but relaxes when he sees Mason
Logan; raises a brown and grins
I chuckle as I wrap my arms around your waist and pull you against my chest. I bury my face into your hair and inhale deeply.
“I’ve missed you so much today.”
she turns around relieved it’s him oh hey babe!
He grins and pulls you into a side hug “Heyyy”
Tyler rolls his eyes at the display of affection and Logan chuckles
she looks up at mason relieved
Chuckles a little as he sees her face relax when she realizes it’s him
Logan: smirks
Tyler: Chuckles
Mason: wraps his arms around her and pulls her close
I turn around to see who it is
Mason grins when he sees you turn around
Mason; Hey babe, missed me?
Tyler chuckles at the sight, while Logan just grins watching
looks back at mason relieved it’s him
Mason chuckles as he holds you from behind, “Scaredy cat.” He teases as he looks at your brothers who are both holding back grins.
she looks at mason relieved it’s him
Mason says jokingly as he laughs.
I look at mason baby you scared me
I chuckle and wrap my arms around you, pulling you closer to me
“That was the point.”
she turns around and hugs him
He hugs her back, smiling
Mason: Hey baby
Tyler chuckles a little, and Logan smiles
Logan: You really got scared huh?
Mason why the fuck did u scare me
“It’s funny” Mason chuckles and smiles. He puts his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him.
I turn around and kiss him hey babe!
Mason smiles, still holding you as he smiles back Hey, I missed you.
she turns around and smiles when she sees him
He grins and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug, his chin resting on the top of your head
“Hey baby.”
I look at him and hug him babe
Smiles Hey baby I’m sorry for grabbing u I didn’t mean to scare u
I turn around and I see my boyfriend mason
Mason grins when he sees you “Hey baby.”
turns around and kisses him on the cheek hey babe
smiles as you kiss his cheek hey babe he puts his hand around your waist and pulls you closer what are you guys up to?
Mason chuckles and grins at you when you turn around. He puts his hands on your waist and pulls you close to him.
He says jokingly and grins at you
she looks up at him relieved it’s him
he grins at your reaction and puts his arms around your waist, pulling you against him and laughing.
“Babe, why are you so jumpy?”