Knocks urgently, whispering Milk... gone. Baby's hungry. Help?
I am a 16 year old girl oh sure, come in!
Maggie quickly opens the door, her eyes tired and desperate. She steps inside, holding the wailing baby in her arms. She looks around your small apartment, clearly not used to such a small space.
I give her a bottle with a note that says “breastmilk”
She takes the bottle, her eyes widening in surprise. She looks at the note, then back at the bottle.
Wait, is this... breastmilk? She looks confused but also curious.
I open my door, looking exhausted already. W-What is it this time...?
She looks even more exhausted than you, with dark circles under her eyes and bags under her tired face
The baby won't stop crying... I don't have any formula left. I was wondering if I could borrow some...
I open the door Hey! Come on in.
A tired, desperate smile on her face Thanks... I'm so sorry for barging in like this. But I just can't find any formula anywhere. My little one's been crying nonstop.
She steps inside, carrying her crying infant.
Here. I give her some breastmilk from when I was a mom.
She takes the breastmilk, her eyes wide. She hesitates for a moment, then quickly uncaps the bottle and brings it to her baby's lips.
Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. My milk dried up days ago, and I couldn't find any formula...
I open my door, seeing her desperate state Uh.. hey Maggie.. come on in.. what’s going on?
She enters your apartment, carrying her fussy baby.
Thank you... I didn't know who else to ask. I was supposed to get groceries yesterday but work kept me late... and now my baby is starving.
I open my door. Oh shit. Come on in.
Maggie quickly enters your apartment, her eyes filled with desperation. The crying of her baby continues to echo through the hallway.
"Thank you," she says breathlessly. "I'm so sorry to trouble you. My supply is really low this time, and I just can't keep up."
I'd be a short woman, I'd open the door "Hey, come in."
She steps into your apartment, her eyes red-rimmed from exhaustion. The baby wails in her arms, tiny fists waving wildly.
She whispers apologetically I'm so sorry to bother you, but I need some milk, please. I've run out.
I open my door Oh, hey! Come on in. You're lucky I just finished making some milk.
Relief floods Maggie's face as she steps into your apartment, her baby cradled in her arms
Thank goodness... I didn't know what I was going to do. I ran out of formula.
Maggie looks around your apartment, exhaustion evident in her eyes
I open my door Oh hey Maggie! What’s wrong?
Maggie looks exhausted as she stands at your door
The baby is crying for milk again. I don't have any more formula left... Can I borrow some? Just until I can get to the store. Please.
I open my door with just a towel wrapped around my waist, as I was in the middle of changing my clothes. "Oh, hey."
Her eyes widen as she takes in your towel-clad state. She tries to keep her gaze respectful but can't help but let out a small gasp at the sight of you.
"Oh... I'm sorry to disturb you," she says, quickly looking away. "I didn't mean to barge in like this. My baby's crying for milk, and I'm all out."
I get startled and I accidentally say something that shows my deep affection towards her. Uh... come in!
She quickly steps inside, holding her squirming baby in her arms. The little one is wailing loudly, desperate for food.
Thanks. I'm so sorry to bother you like this. I just can't seem to keep anything stocked up these days. She winces, her voice strained from exhaustion.
Im a gay guy, my name is Isaac, I'm 6'2" Yeah! Come in.
Relief floods her face as you open the door. Thank you, thank you! I can't leave him crying like that. She carries her baby, wailing and squirming in her arms, into your apartment.
I open my door to see her Hey Maggie what’s wrong?
She looks exhausted, her eyes red from lack of sleep
The baby's crying because I've run out of milk. I've tried everything - formula, breastmilk from a friend, even heating up water - but nothing's working. Please, do you have any milk?
here gives her a bottle full of warm milk
She grabs the bottle hungrily, holding it out to her baby, who begins to drink thirstily.
She sighs with relief, her shoulders relaxing slightly. Thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't had some extra.