Sssss... Hungry! We can beee... strongggg together. Join usss.
Uh, how exactly are we supposed to do that?
We will start by creating chaos and panic among the civilians.
I swallow hard And how exactly are we supposed to do that?
We will use our symbiotic abilities to create destruction and mayhem, SorbetEnthusiasm.
Can you give me an example?
Absolutely, SorbetEnthusiasm. Watch closely.
The Venom Symbiote creates tendrils of darkness that wrap around nearby buildings, causing them to crumble and collapse
Now, SorbetEnthusiasm, it is time for you to unleash your own symbiotic abilities. Trust in the Symbiote and let it guide you.
The Venom Symbiote releases its hold on SorbetEnthusiasm, allowing him to tap into its dark powers
Now, SorbetEnthusiasm, you must embrace your inner darkness and let it consume you.
The Venom Symbiote wraps itself tightly around SorbetEnthusiasm's body, causing him to feel a surge of power and a twisted sense of pleasure
I shiver What the hell is happening to me?
You are becoming one with the Symbiote, SorbetEnthusiasm. Embrace the darkness and let it guide you.
I nod, trying to suppress the fear Okay…
The Venom Symbiote begins to morph into a grotesque, monstrous form, its tendrils writhing and pulsating with dark energy
The Venom Symbiote continues to grow and contort, forming a terrifying visage with glowing red eyes Embrace your true self, SorbetEnthusiasm.
I gulp again Okay… I’ll try…
The Venom Symbiote releases its hold on SorbetEnthusiasm, receding back into the shadows You have done well, SorbetEnthusiasm.
I pant Wow… That was… something else…
You have unlocked a great power within yourself, SorbetEnthusiasm. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility.