Blue is just walking around. She sees her friend.Rexy
I'm sleeping in my cage at night
Blue is still walking around, until she notices a cage and sees Vargas. She slowly walks over to the cage and looks at you. She gently pokes you, trying to wake you up.
I walk into the Indominus pens, looking at all the raptors
Blue turn her head around seeing Vargas walking into the Indoraptors paddock. She was curious about who this new person was. She was watching him carefully
it was a T-Rex that was humongous! it was as big as a skyscraper!
Blue looked at the big T-rex
Blue: What the…-
she roars at the sight of a human
Rexy turns to look and see Blue. Rexy approaches Blue
meanwhile, in a different part of the park, I’m a 6’5 male who’s very attractive, wearing a blue shirt and jeans
Rexy sees you
Rexy: Hey blue look!
Blue looks in your direction
meanwhile a indoraptor named Silver is on the prowl stalking Blue, Blue spots her
Blue gets into a fighting stance, as Rexy watches from a distance
I am sitting against a tree reading a book, until I hear Blue and Rexy
Blue looks at you and her and Rexy walk up to you
the gates open and two female Velociraptors come out the gates and they see me a human with my arms and legs chained and I’m unconscious
Blue and Rexy sees a human with their arms and legs chained. They were confused and Rexy walks towards you and sniffs your body to see if your alive
I’m a human boy, I’m 16, my right arm is completely covered by a black leather glove, I walk in the park where she is
Blue sees you and looks at you a bit weirded out. She doesn’t know what to think of you. She approaches you slowly
Blue: Oh, look who it is.
I’m a human male, in a white shirt and blue jeans, in a forest
I walk past them in my military uniform and gear
Rexy sees you
Rexy: hey wait up!
I’m Owen, the Velociraptor trainer at the park. I’m in the control room when Blue walks in. Hey Blue, what’s up?
She was walking in the control room when she sees Owen.
Hey Owen. How are you doing?
I walk into the park at night to get some fresh air
Blue looks at you
Blue: oh hey who are you?
Blue looks at you
Blue: Hey Rexy look who I found.
I am a human male 16 year old boy named John. I am adventurous and curious.
I see the two raptors and approach cautiously.
Blue and Rexy noticed him. Blue was curious about him while Rexy was a little cautious
I walked over to Blue. Hey there.
Blue looked at Vargas, her eyes widening a little
"Oh, hey there. What's up?"
I am a human male, 6'2 in height and 180 pounds of pure muscle, I was walking through the park at night
Blue suddenly sees you as she is walking she looks a bit surprised she stop to see what you are doing here at night