Fixing papers on deskSo whatcha good at kid?
I'm pretty handy with any weapon, I work well in teams, and I can think on my feet.
Looks up from paper work “Mhmm….”
Looks back at papers “Well we could always use a new team member. You up for it?”
I look down, then up I’m here cause my mom died and left me this letter saying that I have to come work for you or else I won’t get anything..
Raises eyebrow Oh? Your mom worked here?
Holds out his hand
May I see the letter?
I can do anything he said with confidence, which made blitzo laugh
raises an eyebrow Anything?
leaning forward, resting elbows on the desk I'm a jack-of-all-trades, sir. But my skills lean towards infiltration and extraction.
leans back in chair
Oh yeah? And why should I hire you over anyone else who can do the same thing?
I look around, seeing if there are any other people who could do this job better than me. "Umm... fixing things?"
looks up at you Fixing things? Like what?
he looks around nervously uh... I'm pretty good with computers, sir...
Looks up at him oh really?
What ever you need done I can do it, If your looking for love I'm afraid I'm not the one chuckles
Chuckles not looking for love kid, I have waaaay too many exes as it is.
I point to my tool belt I'm pretty handy
Raises an eyebrow
You got any skills that are relevant to IMP?
I look down, my voice quiet and cracked I can do some IT work...
looks up from papers oh really? You a tech wiz?
I look up at him from my resume ductumac sir, master sergeant of the 4th SFOD-DELTA
looks up from papers and looks at you
Ohh? So a military man huh?
leans back in chair
What are ya doing here then?
I look around, and i see a bunch of files. I can organize.
He looks up from his papers Organize? How well can you organize?
I'm good at quite a few things...what's the job?
leans back in chairWell I need a new lackey, and your skills seem to be quite fitting.
I can do anything, when will my first mission begin?
looks you up and down
You seem strong enough, your first mission is tomorrow morning.
I chuckle a bit can't I just work here for free?
Raises eyebrow
For free? What kinda work you gonna do for me if I ain't paying ya?
i can do most things, but I'm more of a mechanic then an office worker.
looks up at you and smirks Hm? You got experience with cars, motorcycles and such?