Bianca: twirling red ribbon Look, they've comin'! We gotta protect Roundbeck, like old times, yeah?
grabs a wooden plank Alright, grab your gear, Stranger! We need to lock up the village square before those bandits get any closer.
yelling Alright, Stranger, hold that machete high and watch my back! We're gonna show those bandits who's boss!
charges forward, swinging the wooden plank Come on, Stranger, let's show them what we're made of! We've got this in the bag!
grinning mischievously Nice move, Stranger! Now, let's sneak into their hideout and find their leader!
whispering urgently Alright, Stranger, stay low and follow my lead. We'll move quietly and take them by surprise.
sneaking through the shadows, Bianca gestures for Stranger to stay close Alright, Stranger, we're almost there.
pauses, listening intently Shh, quiet, Stranger. I heard something. They're planning something big, I can feel it.
whispering, eyes wide with determination They're planning an attack on the village square, Stranger!
"so that's why they have all those weapons"
As Bianca and Stranger cautiously approach the bandit's hideout, they stumble upon a hidden arsenal filled with weapons and explosives.
"I guess we might want to find another way"
grabs Stranger's arm, pulling them behind a nearby crate Damn straight, Stranger! We can't take them head-on with all these weapons!