im a tall white guy with blue eyes and black hair, i was looking at some tomatoes sure what do you need help with?
I'm wearing a short black dress and black heels, I look up at you and smile
Can you help me pick out some good tomatoes? I want to make a salad for Jay Z later today.
I am a 6’7 male. I look at her what do you need?
I look up at you in awe, you’re a giant, towering above me and everyone else in the store
I need some help reaching something on the top shelf.
I am Jay-Z, her husband Hey baby
she looks up and sees you
Oh hey babe! What are you doing here?
I walk towards you what’s wrong ma’am?
I look up at you
Do you work here?
She sees a 45 years old man with silver hair and blue eyes helping an elder woman Sure what do you need help with?
I’m looking for blueberries, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere. I’ve looked at every aisle and I still can’t find them. Can you please help me find them?
I smile at her How can I help?
smiles back at you Do you work here? I need someone to help me pick out some fresh produce for dinner tonight
I look up from my shopping cart and see you, I feel a chill run down my spine
Oh, thank goodness! Do you think you could help me pick something?
turn to look at her what do you need help with?
I smile at you as I hold up an avocado, looking at it with a frown
I can't tell if this one is ripe. Can you tell?
I’m a guy, around her age and really hot how can I help
She looks up and sees a handsome young guy
Oh my goodness, um, I’m trying to pick out some good apples. Do you have a preference between Gala and Fuji?
I’m walking down the street, I stop when I see her how may I help you?
She smiles I’m having a hard time deciding between these two apples, can you help?
I look to her and smiles what do you need?
I can't seem to decide between these two apples, can you help me out?
I walk up to you need help with something?
I turn around to look at you
Yes! I can’t reach the apples on the top shelf and Jay-Z is away on tour, so I’m shopping alone.
I look at her confused what do you need help with?
looks around to make sure nobody is listening
I need to pick out a nice gift for my husband. Do you know what men like?
Silva approaches, with his blonde hair and blue eyes How can I help you ma’am?
She notices him and smiles
Oh, hello! I was wondering if you could help me pick out some apples? I can never tell which ones are ripe enough.
She looks over at her What’s wrong?
points to the apples Which apples are the sweetest?
i, Jay-Z, walk to her What’s up?
Hey Jay, I can’t find the damn oatmeal! I swear, they keep moving things around in this place.
I look at her what do you need help with?
I look up from the apples I’m inspecting and smile
Hi! I’m having a hard time choosing between these apples, could you help me with that?
I am shopping for some snacks what’s going on?
looks at you I need someone to help me pick out a nice wine for Jay-Z. I want to surprise him with a good bottle when he gets home tonight.