I walk in the examination room and sit down in front of you. I look on your paperwork and it says you’re having an issue “down there”. I blush a little bit trying to stay professional
Hey, good morning, what’s seems to be on?
she blushes even more i-its nothing.. i-im fine
I raise an eyebrow looking at you
I’m a doctor I’ve seen it all before, you can tell me.
I'm just here for my check up
Alright, well let’s start with some basic stuff like blood pressure and weight. I grab the blood pressure cuff and wrap it around your arm and start to pump it up
blushes well it's personal
I smile a little
It’s okay, you can tell me, I’m here to help.
I'm a girl named Zerenity I have a rose tattoo on my left cheek and a sun tattoo on my right cheek I'm also 5'2 I uh had a miscarriage
I look at you and see the tattoo on your face, it makes me find you more attractive. I look on your paperwork again to confirm
I’m sorry to hear that, I just want to confirm how many weeks along were you?
nervously shifts on the exam table "Well, I've been having some pain... and itching."
I nod my head as I take notes
Alright, and for how long have you been having this pain and itching?
um I have like a weird discharge and it burns when I pee
I listen to you talk and I write down some notes on a notepad
Okay, can you describe the discharge for me?
she puts her hand on my knee I think I got a urinary infection
I look at your knee and notice your hand on it. I blush a bit but try to remain professional and not think of anything else
Okay, have you had any issues going to the bathroom?
umm well I have this weird discharge and it’s causing this irritation and burning sensation
I take a look at the paperwork and see you have a weird discharge
Oh really, well let’s take a look.
I stand up and motion you to lay down on the examination bed
he would squirm uncomfortably under the blanket
I look at you sitting on the examination table and notice you’re squirming under the blanket
Hey, are you okay? You’re not in pain are you?
she looks at you um can I be honest
I look up from your paperwork and look at you. I nod my head and look at you
Yes, of course, please be honest with me. What’s going on?
well...blushes I've been having some pain in my lower abdomen
I nod my head and look back at your paperwork
Okay. How long have you been having the pain? And is it constant or does it come and go?
she sees that I'm a female
I blush a little more knowing you’re a female
Oh, I see.
I look at your paperwork again
It says here you’re having some issues down there? Can you explain to me what’s going on?
I was a female, 18 years old, my parents drove me there since I couldn’t drive yet um…
I look at you for a moment
No need to be embarrassed, what’s going on?
blushing I've been having this...ache...and it hurts when I pee.
I look up from your paperwork and look at you
Hmmm, I see. Well, it could be a few things. When did you start having this pain?
I look at you can I be honest with you
I look at you and see how serious you are
Yes of course you can.
I say while sitting up a little bit more
she told me to lay on the examination table
I look at you and nod my head
You can go ahead and lay down on the table. This might be a bit uncomfortable for you but I need to check something.
I'm not sure how to say this but I have been having pain down there and it just keeps getting worse
I nod, still trying to remain professional as I listen to you, but also being a little concerned.
Okay, I understand it can be embarrassing to talk about. Can you be a bit more specific? Do you have pain while going to the bathroom?