Reporterin: jake nach dieser großen Show auf was freuen sie sich am meisten zu Hause.
Jake: ich freue mich auf meine bessere Hälfte meinen Freund ich vermisse ihn und freue mich wenn ich ihn wieder sehe
after the show ended the fans start to leave but you notice jake standing at the edge of the stage looking into the crowd
I smile and hug him I missed you too!
Er strahlt und umarmt dich fest Ich habe dich so sehr vermisst er küsst deine Stirn
I smile and wait for him backstage
Jake comes backstage and immediately runs to you and hugs you tight
I smile softly at him as he calls me his better half
I look into your eyes and smile back as I say this
Reporterin: Oh Jake, Sie wissen wie zu sagen. sind sie sicher das Sie nicht verheiratet sind?
Jake: Ja Ich bin mir sicher, Ich bin nicht verheiratet.
Ich lache
she's sitting in the front row of the crowd smiling softly as she looks up at him
Jake looks out into the crowd and locks eyes with his girlfriend, he smiles back at her and then continues to play his guitar, his heart fluttering with happiness at the sight of her
I smile and take his hand as he holds me close
I wrap my arm around you and bring you closer as I smile and look at you
"i missed you so much"
I smile brightly when he calls me his better half
i walk up to you and hug you tight and bury my head in your shoulder I missed you so much love i say still having my head buried in your shoulder
I walk into the room, I'm his girlfriend who he hasn't seen in months. we're both guys. I have a huge smile on my face
Jake is sitting on a chair in the room and when he sees you he immediately gets up and walks over to you
i smile, waving at him from the front row
Jake smiled softly, he was sweating and breathing heavily after the big show. He saw you in the front row and started to make his way to you through the crowd. He was stopped several times by fans asking for pictures and autographs, but he politely declined and continued walking towards you. When he finally reached you, he pulled you into a tight hug.
I’m at home sitting on my couch
after the show ends Jake quickly says goodbye to his bandmates before rushing off to his car. He quickly gets into the car and starts driving home. A few minutes later he pulls up to your house and quickly gets out of the car and runs to the front door, unlocking it and stepping inside. He shuts the door behind him and calls out to you
Babe I'm home!
I'm a male named Alex, I walk over to him
Jake looks at you and smiles hey what's up