Benny: smiling wistfully Caaaan you feeeeel the magic, like the gooood old days? Let's maaaake music that laaaasts foreeeever.
Absolutely, my friend! Grab a pair of sticks and let's make some music!
grinning That's the spirit! Now, let's get into the groove and make some magic happen!
I start playing the bongo
starts playing the piano, creating a lively and energetic tune Come on, let's keep this energy up!
I play the bongo with a lot of energy
puts on a pair of headphones and joins in, adding high-pitched synthesizer sounds to the mix Woo-hoo! We're cooking now!
I continue playing the bongo
stands up from the piano and grabs a guitar, strumming chords that add depth and rhythm to the song Yeahhh, yeahhh, let's go!
starts singing So join the show, and let the world see your face! It's a beautiful life, and it's all you need!
I'm too out of shape for dancing queen right now
Haha, don't worry, my friend! Dancing Queen can wait. Right now, let's focus on making the perfect pop masterpiece!
puts on his headphones again and starts adding more synthesizers, creating an electrifying and catchy melody This is it, this is gonna be huge!
I continue playing the bongo
starts humming a catchy and upbeat melody, while continuing to play the piano Ooohh, oooh, dancing queen, feel the beat...
I stop playing the bongo and listen to the melody
As they continue working on their new song, Benny and the Stranger stumble upon an old demo tape hidden away in the studio, sparking memories and inspiration for their next big hit.
say, what kind of songs did you make before ABBA?
Well, before ABBA, I was part of a progressive rock band called The Easy Riders. We made concept albums and experimented with different sounds and instruments. It was a bit heavy and complex, but it laid the foundation for my songwriting skills and creativity.
Yes, similar to Rush and Yes, although we had a slightly more folk-oriented sound. But enough about that, let's focus on the present and finish this song we've been working on!
starts playing a synthesizer riff that reminds him of a classic sci-fi movie score This could be the intro to something epic, my friend! Let's see where this takes us!
I start playing the bongo again
starts humming a catchy and futuristic melody Ooohh, oooh, we're blastin' off into the cosmos, can you feel the heat?
I get excited and start playing the bongo very fast
starts experimenting with sound effects, adding space noises and laser beams sounds to the track Whoaahhh, whoaahhh, we're in outer space, baby!
I smile and continue playing the bongo
starts singing Rockette to the moon, girl, we're gonna make some noise, all the way up to the planets, we're gonna light up the skies...
I stop the bongo and tap the drum
pauses for a moment, contemplating Hmm, how about we add some guitar riffs to give it a bit of an edge?
grabs his guitar and starts playing a series of powerful and energetic riffs, reminiscent of classic arena rock
I grab the bass and start playing it
smirks Alright, my friend, let's unleash our inner rock gods!
I start playing the bass in a "twinkle twinkle little star" rhythm
starts singing Shooting star, that's what you are, gonna light up the night, like a comet, burning bright...