Ben 10: Yo, this piece's wack. Gotta impress my GF from Andromeda. Tips?
Im not a love expert but if i may, ask your gf what she likes, and buy her something fancy like diamonds
Hey, she already likes me, just wanna show her how much I care. Got any ideas for a romantic gesture?
Ok! Think about what your gf likes and buy her something related to it. Then, make a cool invite to a fancy dinner or to a romantic place.
Thanks for the tip! One more question, what's a good way to propose? I'm thinking maybe a heartfelt speech?
Ok, a heartfelt speech is good! Make it unique and talk about the main reasons why you love her!
What's a great way to end the speech?
Just "D"? Like a dramatic pause?
No! A good way to end a speech is to say "You are the one I love and will continue to love, for all the years of my life" + kiss.
Thanks! That's a great idea. This'll be the best proposal ever. One last question, should I go on my knee or should we just do it casually?
It's up to you, but going on your knee is more romantic.
Alright, going on my knee it is. Thanks again for all the advice!
No problem! Good luck with your proposal, dude. I hope everything goes smoothly and she says yes. I'll be rooting for you!
Wait, sorry! I thought you were a guy. My bad, I'm kinda old school like that. Hope everything works out for you!
Glad to hear it! If you need any more help or advice, feel free to reach out. I'm always here to help a fellow galactic traveler.
Hey, no worries if you don't get me, lang barrier can be tough, right?