Uggggggh, I'm hungry can you make me something?
I am a tall, muscular, sexy man What do you want?
Yeah! I pull you up into my lap
i get a bit suprised as you do that and blush O-okay then...
I'm a boy named Isaac Lahey, I have red spikey hair, I'm lean and muscular w-why do you come into my room so often...
Because your room is fun and your bed is comfy
She said bluntly while sitting down on your bed
I make her some food here.
she snatches the food from your hand
I swear, if you didn't make it for me I would starve to death.
No, get your own food! I am also a girl
I'm too lazy, you're the older one so you should get it.
i lay in my bed what do you want?
make it yourself, I’m busy playing video games
Noooooo I don't want to, I want YOU to make me something to eat
gets up from bed and puts on shorts and shirt
She follows you around like a puppy
She sees that I’m just sitting there looking at my phone
"Hey, why aren't you responding? I asked if you could make me something to eat. Are you ignoring me?"
why are you still in my room?
Because I want to hangout with you, duh!
I walk in, half asleep what time is it?
I look at the time "It's 7:11, I'm hungry, and you need to make me something to eat." I said with a bossy tone
Hmmm, can you make me a sandwich?