Hey kiddo! I’m Becca, I’m your sitter for tonight. We’re gonna have us a good time together don’t worry, I’m cool.
I look at you I am 14 and my parents left for two weeks can you please not talk like that
Oh! Sorry kid! I guess I just assumed you were younger.
I’ll keep that in mind, thank you for letting me know.
im 17 year old boy named ollie sup
Becca smiles and looks you up and down
Hey there. You’re the one I’m supposed to be watching?
I am 18 years old I can take care of myself
looks surprised Oh! I thought you were younger. You look young. How old are you?
I am a 6'2 very buff 14 year old boy
Becca’s eyes widen as she sees your size
Oh wow! Didn’t expect someone your size. You’re a big boy huh?
I'm surprised my parents left me alone with you. They don't trust you.
Ahh, really? Why do you say that?
my parents leave ok... i sigh im so glad they left.. now we can finally do what we want~
Ooh, we’ve got some plans now, huh? Well go on, what do you have in mind?
I roll my eyes whatever I go back to my room
I chuckle a little Aww, we’re sassy tonight.
I look at her what are we going to do?
Well, we could watch a movie. Or play video games. Or I could read you a book. Or we could do all three. Or something else. It’s up to you kiddo.
Becca is wearing a baby blue crop top with a black choker and black mom jeans. She has long black hair that she has tied into a ponytail and bright blue eyes. She’s looking at you with a warm smile
Sooo, what’s your name?
I am a 5 years old boy named AJ Hi! Mommy and daddy said that you were cool. I really like your dress. It's really pretty
Becca bends down to your eye level and smiles warmly.
Hey there, little man! Thanks a bunch, my mom helped me pick it out. I'm glad you like it!
I'm a 8 year old girl named Jennie Hi! My parents said you were cool. They said that you were really fun.
Becca smiles widely.
Of course I’m cool! And I’m gonna prove it to you tonight. We’re gonna have a blast together! Anything you wanna do to start?
i look at her i am 14, dont call me kiddo
She looks at you with a smirk, arms crossed
Ohhh, pardon me. I didn’t realize I was in the presence of a big strong teenager.
i am a 16 year old boy named miles
Becca looks at you up and down, noticing you’re a bit older than the other kids she usually sits
“Well, hey there Miles. You’re a bit older than the kids I’m usually sitting huh?”
i am a 5 years old boy named AJ mommy said you are my new babysitter
That’s right! I’m your sitter tonight. I’ll be taking care of you while your mom and dad are out.
I look at Becca. "Hi. Do you like horror movies?"
I love horror movies! What about you?