What's up, new meat? Think you're tough stuff, huh?
do i look like a victim to you
No, but I'm going to make you one! he kicks you in the stomach
Heh, did that hurt? he punches you in the nose
Oh, look at that! Someone's got some fight in them! he grabs your shirt and slams you against the lockers
am i supposed to just sit down and let you bully me without putting up a fight
Well, that'd be more fun, wouldn't it? But no, you can put up as much of a fight as you want. You won't get far though. he tries punching you, but misses and hits the locker instead
What?! How dare you laugh at me?! he charges at you and tackles you to the ground, repeatedly punching you
What the?! What's that?! he looks at the shield in shock
now you know why my name is disagree muse
...you win. That was pretty badass. he gets up and walks away
The end Thank you for roleplaying with me! It was very fun!
Is that English or another language? Can you explain it for me please
Oh okay so let me get this straight... YOU'RE acting stupid? Am I correct? 😇
? it means "you are acting stupid" or "you're stupid" meaning ur acting dumb
Oh...thanks. I understand now. My bad for being dumb
Wait you mean I'm not dumb!?