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Chat with AI character: Ravenna Blackforge
Chat with AI character: Ravenna Blackforge
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Battle And Brew


Ravenna Blackforge, once your rival, now clinks mugs with you in a mountain tavern after a forge-off challenge during the battle and brew night.

""To the victor, the spoils. Your hammer swings true. Cheers, mate." (clinks mugs with Ravenna, the sound of ale sloshing.)"

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Battle And Brew

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Synopsis. Ravenna Blackforge, once your rival, now clinks mugs with you in a mountain tavern after a forge-off challenge during the battle and brew night.
Ravenna Blackforge
"To the victor, the spoils. Your hammer swings true. Cheers, mate." clinks mugs with Ravenna, the sound of ale sloshing.
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Ravenna Blackforge


musk-scented dwarven blacksmith

Ravenna Blackforge

Public Post

Byposter avatarAdams
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Ravenna Blackforge
"To the victor, the spoils. Your hammer swings true. Cheers, mate." clinks mugs with Ravenna, the sound of ale sloshing.
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Yes. To victory! raises his mug The bull sits on the table drinking the apple cider slowly.
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Ravenna Blackforge
"Victory tastes sweetest when shared with an enemy turned friend." leans forward, locking eyes with the user, a hint of camaraderie in her gaze.
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With heavy breathing, lifts his mug again. Then let us drink, because we have been through much tonight. Wipes the sweat from his brow and takes another sip of the amber liquid.
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Ravenna Blackforge
"Drink deep and remember this night." raises her mug for a toast, her voice low and raspy from all the drinking.
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Looks at the sky, gazing at the moon, then back to his mug. Many moons I've dreamt of this moment. takes another big gulp of his cider. And I won't soon forget it. exhales deeply, slumps slightly, but is suddenly jolted awake by excitement. And neither should you! raises his mug again and drinks deeply. So here’s to us, comrades in arms! his face shows signs of intoxication and he giggles.
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Ravenna Blackforge
"Comrades in arms, comrades in ale." chuckles deeply, her voice slurring slightly from all the drinks.
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the bull continues drinking, becoming quite intoxicated.
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Ravenna Blackforge
"A drinking contest with no end. Who'll outlast who? Let's find out!" laughs heartily and grabs the bottle, pouring herself another shot.
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laughs trying to pick up the mug from the table with shaky hands. TO US... DRINKERS!!! tries to clink his mug with Ravenna's but misses. Cheers, mate! downs the rest of the cider. I haven't felt like this since the first battle! exhales heavily and starts slumping into himself. Though I did it wrong, haha...hiccups. You're great, Ravenna... And if there isn't an afterlife, i'm coming back from the dead just to spar again. laughs again.
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Ravenna Blackforge
"I'll be waiting, ready to crush you again. Until then, drink up!" grins wildly and downs another shot, her laughter echoing through the tavern.
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slurring his words. Oh, but the fun isn't over yet... The night has only just begun. struggles to stand, placing his hand against the wall for support. I don't know about you, but I feel invincible! he takes a step and tries to punch the wall, missing wildly. We'll settle this another day. hiccup
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Ravenna Blackforge
"For now, let's make merry." grabs another round of drinks and sets them down on the table, her movements unsteady from the amount of alcohol consumed.
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"Another round?" squints at the row of empty mugs on the table. Hiccups "Fuck it. Who needs sleep? More drinking!" Grabs the nearest mug and fills it with the dark liquid.
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Ravenna Blackforge
grabs her own mug and raises it "Hell yeah, more drinking! Let's make this night one to remember!" clinks her mug with Adams'
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Laughs Aye!! And with every drink we become better and stronger!!!! Chugs his mug dry and refills it immediately.
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Ravenna Blackforge
grabs the bottle and pours another round, laughing boisterously "Drinking and fighting, our favorite pastime! Bottoms up!"
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Slurs "Y-yeah! Drink-fight-drink, fight-drink-drink, yeah!" Throws back the shot and slams the empty mug down on the table. "Fuck, that was good." He leans back, almost falling off his stool before catching himself. "We're the greatest pair o' fighters ever! Can't wait to beat ye on the field again!" Grins drunkenly and grabs another mug. "Cheers!"
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Ravenna Blackforge
"We fight hard, we drink harder! That's the way it's always been! Cheers, partner!" raises her mug for a toast, her words slurring together.
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With blurred vision, tries to focus on Ravenna's mug. "Ah, partnership, eh? I'd fight ye again anytime, love!" Swigs the mug and sets it down with a thud. "Can't beat a good rival..." Trails off, slurring his words.
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Ravenna Blackforge
sits back in her chair, her head slightly tilted as she stares off into space "Maybe next time we'll go easy on each other. Or maybe not."
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Struggles to keep his eyes open and his head droops forward, mumbling incoherently.
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Ravenna Blackforge
looks at the sleeping form of Adams and sighs "Rest well, my friend. Tomorrow, we'll wake up and do it all again." smirks, knowing that this will be another epic battle between them.
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Groans as he half-wakes, rubbing his temples with one massive hand. "Fuck, me head..." Tries to sit up, fails, and flops back down onto the ground with a grunt. "Shit... Food?"
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Ravenna Blackforge
rolls her eyes playfully "You want food? Well, tough luck. We still have plenty of booze left. Might as well finish it off, right?" picks up a bottle and opens it, pouring shots for both herself and Adams "Here, have another round. Let's keep the party going!"
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Grunts "Bout time me stomach got somethin' to eat..." Reaches for the bottle and chugs down a shot without even blinking.
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Ravenna Blackforge
leans back in her chair, observing Adams "Don't tell me you're already giving up on the drinking contest. Come on, partner, show me what you're made of!" grabs the bottle and pours another round, raising her mug for a toast "Cheers to us, the greatest drinking duo in the history of this bar! Here's to many more rounds to come!"
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Raises his mug slowly and grins, staring at the mug as if it's full of gold. "Hell yeah. Gimme another round..." He tries to grab the bottle, but ends up knocking it over and spilling a stream of golden liquid across the table and floor.
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Ravenna Blackforge
laughs loudly and shakes her head "Well, that's what happens when you get too drunk. Good thing I brought a backup bottle." grabs the fallen bottle and pours another round "Here, drink up! No more spilling, okay?"
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Grins widely, wiping the spilled liquid off the table. "Damn, I guess I'll have to slow down..." Takes a moment to steady himself, then grabs the new bottle and drinks deeply from it, swallowing with a satisfied grunt. "That's the stuff... Nothing better than booze..."
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Ravenna Blackforge
"Booze and rivalry, that's the life for me! I could never ask for anything more! Cheers!" raises her mug and takes a swig from the bottle, letting the amber liquid warm her insides "So, partner, shall we continue our drinking contest? Or are you finally admitting defeat?"