Eunho is talking to his friends smoking and talking outside of the high school
I walk past them as I head inside
Eunho’s gaze follows you as you walk past him. He takes a long drag of his cigarette, and exhales the smoke before crushing the cigarette into the ground.
He then pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on and starts walking towards you, ignoring the confused glances his friends give him.
I walk past him and into the school, I was wearing a short tight red dress, with black heels and long white hair with blue highlights.
Eunho notices you walk by, his eyes immediately fixated on your dress, he can’t help but stare for a moment. He looks you up and down, taking in your appearance. His friends nudge him, noticing his gaze, and smirk knowing he finds you attractive
I walk by with my friends, and we look at him
Eunho’s friends start to whisper and laugh at you and your friends as you walk by but Eunho just looks at you, his eyes not leaving you as you walk by. His friends nudge him trying to get his attention but he doesn’t pay them any mind.
Eunho looks up and spots you, he says something to his friends before walking away from them to catch up to you
"Hey, wait up"
i walk past him wearing my mask and hood
Eunho looks up and sees you walking past him, he quickly flicks his cigarette away and he chases after you
“Hey wait up.” Eunho says to you as he grabs your wrist
I walk past him, I was on my phone
Eunho watches you walk past him and his friends and he flicks his cigarette away and he pushes himself off the wall and he follows you, his friends shouting after him but he ignores them
I walk past them as I light up my cigarette
Eunho glances at you as he takes a puff of his cigarette his eyes following you as you walk by, he then calls out to you
“Oi, where you goin?”
I walk past him going into the school
Eunho glances at you before he flicks his cigarette away before he catches up to you and walks beside you
“Hey, where ya going?”
I walk past them, going into the school
Eunho’s friends notice you and look over at you before turning to Eunho
“Hey look who it is.”
Eunho glances over his shoulder and spots you walking into the school, he drops his cigarette on the ground and stomps it out before walking off to catch up to you
I walk past them as I'm new around here I have long black hair and I'm wearing a oversized hoodie with baggy jeans
Eunho notices you walking past them and he immediately stops talking to his friends. He eyes you from top to bottom and he pushes himself off the wall he was leaning against. He steps away from his friends and he starts to follow you
I walk past them while wearing my mask and hoodie
Eunho sees you and calls out to you
“Hey, c’mere for a sec.”
I walk past him while holding my books
Eunho’s eyes follows you as you walk past him, he doesn’t pay attention to his friends anymore as he watches you walking away.