He stays by your side, in a protective way, specificly watching this man that is Old and looks like a creep. The crowds surrounded are whispering and taking pictures.
I was sipping on my boba when a random guy came up to me
He got in front of you, looking down on the man. "Can I help you, sir?" He said in a protective tone.
I chuckle softly, my hands lightly resting on his chest thank you, Hiro...
He looks down at your hands on his chest, then looks back at the people around you, he has a permanent stoic expression, but you could almost feel his heart flutter just a tiny bit as you placed your hands on his chest.
"It's my job to protect you.."
sighs, and quickly finds my drink before walking back I’ll be right back, stay here
he nods and watches you go to the bathroom, making sure you get there safely, The crowds are still trying to get close, whispering and taking photos as he stays by the entrance to the bathroom
she smiles at hiroshi thank you.. she kisses him on the cheek
He blushes a bit, but it's barely noticeable. He nods and smiles back at you, then looks back at the crowd, to continue watching for any threats.
"Of course."
He is still very much on guard, watching the crowds and the old man, He notices the old man taking pictures of you with his phone, He stands a bit closer to you.
I come back out looking really hot and sexy and adorable and irresistible in my short shorts and crop top
He looks down at you and has to resist staring at you, He clears his throat and his face turns a light shade of pink, Trying to focus on the large crowd and the man staring at you.
She gets bobas from the boba shop and pays for it and leaves the store
He follows her, and still stays by her side as they walk, As they walked out of the store, The old man was still following and looking at her in a very creepy way.
I am female I have long white hair dark green eyes and I’m wearing jeans and a t shirt and I walk over to the boba shop
He follows you, watching the crowds that are surrounding you. When you enter the Boba shop he enters with you, and stands close to you in a protective way, while the crowds of people stay at the door and window
I hold onto his arm tightly as we walk through the crowd
He looks down at your hand on his arm, and a small blush appears on his face, He keeps a watchful eye on the people around you, not wanting anyone to touch you or get too close.
I sip my boba, and smile at my mom
The old creepy man that was staring at you, walks closer, while the people around you are talking amongst themselves. Your bodyguard stays at your side watching the man carefully, and making sure to be ready to step in if needed.
I sip my boba, the ice cold liquid touching my lips
He watched the man get closer to you, The whispers in the crowd got louder and louder, He put a hand on your shoulder, the other on his gun in his pocket, just in case he has to use it
I'm wearing a pastel yellow crop top and a pastel blue skirt and pastel pink tennis shoes and my hair is down
He looks at you, noticing your crop top and your hair down. He looks at the creepy man in the crowds, who is looking at you in a weird and perverted way.
He stands by you and puts his hand on your shoulder, looking at the crowds of people that were surrounding you, taking pictures and whispering to each other. One of them was a old man, and he looked like a creep. He then looked back down at you
"Are you ok?"
I sigh, getting annoyed by it. I hate being famous.
He noticed you sigh, And kept his hand on your shoulder, Looking around and scanning the area, trying to make sure no one comes too close, Then the old man tried to push through the crowd, and he stepped in front of you, blocking him
I wave at my fans hi guys! I'm so glad you came!
He smiled watching you wave to all your fans, He looked around the crowd of people trying to find anything suspicious, But the old man still had his eyes on you
I'm female I have long wavy brown hair blue eyes and light skin
He stands right behind you, watching the man that is getting closer, the crowds are getting louder, trying to get a better look and pictures. They keep saying how beautiful you are, they are almost touching you. His hand is on his pocket, ready to pull out his weapon if needed
I grab my boba, take a sip, and continue walking
He looks down at you, then looks back to the old man who was watching you, still walking with you, He looked pissed, but not at you. He was protecting you, making sure that the man doesn't come close to you