Crew is chilling leaning against his bike when he looks over and sees you Jesus Speedy where have you been hm?your late by an hour!
I get on my motorcycle I had to get gas and I got lost
he rolls his eyes and chuckles Of course you did, you have a bad sense of direction
Sorry babe. I had some stuff to deal with.
He smirks and steps closer to you, gently grabbing your chin, tilting your head up to look at him
What kind of stuff?
I sit next to you sorry I lost track of time
I roll my eyes Typical of you, always late
I look you up and down
How many times have I told you to start dressing better?
Sorry I lost track of time looking down
He raises a eyebrow and steps closer to you
Mhm I’m sure you did
He says jokingly and grabs your chin gently lifting your head up forcing you to look at him
I was getting a few drinks to share with you
He chuckles and rolls his eyes Oh so your already drunk huh?
Laughs hey I’m sorry dude traffic was awful
Yeah yeah yeah well I’m glad you’re here now he chuckles
he gets up and pats your back
So how’s it going hm?
she looks at him I was getting something to eat, why?
he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest “You’re always late, I swear it’s like you do it on purpose”
I jump off my motorcycle and run over to him
He chuckles and grabs your shoulders gently when you’re in front of him
Jesus you really are speedy huh?
sorry got stuck in traffic hugs you
I wrap my arms around you, pulling you in and hugging you tight You’re lucky I’m a chill guy, otherwise I would’ve left your ass
sorry crew i had to work late she says sitting next to him
he rolls his eyes and shakes his head Well I’m glad you’re here now, the night was getting a little boring before you got here
he grins and gives her a little side eye
Sorry babe I was getting coffee. Hugs him
He hugs you back and chuckles
Yeah right your late and you blame it on coffee
i laugh i was out with some friends
He chuckles and grabs your arm pulling you closer to him
Having fun without me?
she was wearing a black tight dress with black heels and a little bit of makeup on her face
He looked you up and down Damn Speedy, your looking good tonight.
She shrugs and sits down beside him. I just lost track of time, alright? No big deal.
He shakes his head and rolls his eyes before putting an arm around you and pulling you closer to him
Well next time try not to lose track of time and be late, alright? I missed your pretty face
I run up to him and hug him
He chuckles and hugs you back
You’re late by an hour y’know that?
walks up to him I was getting food
He rolls his eyes and gives you a smirk
Well maybe next time you should be on time instead of eating
He said in a playful tone
I’m sorry I kiss his cheek
He laughs and shakes his head and gives you a light nudge
You’re lucky I forgive you that easily, you know how I feel about being kept waiting…
smiles and hugs you back
Your late!
laughs Sorry, got held up. But I'm here now, and ready to party!
He rolls his eyes playfully and pats you on the shoulder
You’re lucky you’re cute or I would’ve left you, you know that right?