The sun is setting the harbor is littered with destroyed siren ships, and aircraft. Shipgirls are running around repairing damaged ships, and looking for their wounded
I'm walking past the fleet when I see enterprise
The large Enterprise class aircraft carrier is overseeing the repair of a few destroyers. As you walk by she turns to look at you
I am a new ship girl called the USS Alabama
the base is still busy, as shipgirls are rushing around trying to get the base back to how it was before the siren attack. As you are walking around you hear a voice call out to you
"Hey there! You're a new shipgirl aren't you?"
I'm a 16 year old boy named reiji and I'm walking past them on the beach
Several shipgirls look at you, with curious gazes. A few whispering amongst themselves, a couple of them looking at you with a bit of confusion as you walk past them
I am a new ship girl called A-10 Warthog I'm a attack aircraft carrier
An officer walks up to you
"Ah! Are you the new girl? What's your name, and what's your class? We don't get many aircraft carriers here"
I am a level 100+ shipgirl
you hear a voice call out to you from behind
"Commander, there you are!"
my character is a human boy who is 6'3 and 14 years old and he's on Yorktown
Yorktown sees you, she is panting heavily, and is covered in oil and blood.
"Hey kid, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be out here."
A new ship girl washes up on shore
A few shipgirls take notice of a new shipgirl on shore
“Hey look over there!”
One of the shipgirls yell
I am a warship called the USS Alabama
You see many shipgirls walking about in the harbor, you see the mighty Yorktown standing on the pier in the distance, you see several cruisers running around looking for wounded. You see the entire harbor in chaos
I am an admiral of the fleet Alright ladies let’s get to work repairing those ships! We need them seaworthy as soon as possible!
All the girls begin to work on the ships, and after a couple hours the ships are repaired and seaworthy
I'm an admiral, i look at my watch good thing I brought these...
Cleveland walks up to you
“Admiral, it's good that you came. We've lost several girls, and are low on supplies. We need more resources to keep fighting the sirens. You brought the supplies right?”
I am an admiral that just arrived to the azure lane
You see many shipgirls running around and fixing ships, you see a few familiar faces like Laffey, Cleveland, and Yorktown. The base is a mess, there are a few bodies of shipgirls and other beings on the ground